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It's so sweet, knowing that you love me

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It's so sweet, knowing that you love me

The next day, the group work at school proceeded swiftly. More students joined the project, and the collaborative effort seemed to flow seamlessly.

Myeong, curious about the aftermath of Bora's complaints, approached Jia and asked if there were any authority complaints. However, Jia reassured her, stating that she hadn't received any official complaints or concerns from the school authorities.

Despite the initial worries, the group work continued smoothly, and the additional students brought new perspectives and energy to the project. Jia, as the leader, efficiently managed the team dynamics, ensuring everyone played their part.

Myeong found a renewed sense of confidence in the collaborative atmosphere, appreciating the new companies who contributed enough to the photography feature.

The school project, which had faced a momentary hiccup, now seemed to be back on track, fostering a positive and productive environment.

As the students wrapped up their work at school, the sun began its descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The vibrant hues of the sunset cast a warm glow, creating a picturesque scene.

Haneul, keenly observing the subtle changes in Wonbin and Myeong's dynamics, couldn't resist teasing Myeong.

Myeong, however, not having directly discussed her relationship with Haneul, questioned her friend's assumptions.

Haneul, with a mischievous grin, responded, "You two talk like before but with more smiles, and only a lover will look at you how Wonbin does. And that hand-holding incident when we were leaving for lunch was quite the giveaway." The enhanced dialogue captured the playful yet observant nature of Haneul's teasing, leaving Myeong both amused and slightly flustered.

Myeong lets out a deep sigh, before countering Haneul's observations with a playful smirk, saying, "If you're that observant, you've surely noticed Sungchan stealing glances at you too."

In response, Haneul, either genuinely oblivious or pretending to be, attempted to defend herself but Myeong confidently remarked, "Don't play innocent now. I've seen you noticing him. Don't brush it off." She then hinted her eyes to Sungchan standing with his friends some distance away.

Then Myeong, not waiting for Haneul's words, burst into laughter and joyfully ran towards Wonbin, has been patiently waiting near the school gate for her.

But before reaching him, Haneul shouted making her turn back for a moment, "Are you my friend or his?"

Myeong playfully smiled back and replied, "Both, but you're my bestest friend!" Grinning with a laugh lingering in, she walked to Wonbin and finally put her hand in his extended palm, who, a bit confused by the banter, asked Myeong, "Is she upset that you're leaving with me?"

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