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It was sunday of  16th of April, 2023 when I realised that Wonbin knows my name.

Last night, I was too tired after having to run to home all the way from down the streets, from school so I wasn't left with any energy to write on my diary about yesterday events. So I left it to write the next morning.

I won't say this to anyone so I mentioned it on the paper.

He called my name as if he has always been calling. My name that he took, didn't feel foreign. And I don't think anyone has ever pronounced my name with such delicacy.

Okay, just before you perceive anything, I'm not romanticising him but the very moment he called me. I wish more people in my life called or took my name like that, like how he did with no load to give or take.

I always, only wanted to be just called.
Its like you don't need to give nor I will ask for anything.

I don't know what am I even saying. I am getting bad with words as well.

But I won't lie if I say his voice felt like a navigator, telling me to where to go next and knowing I have been feeling kind of lost with what to do with my life, that was a short moment of certainty brought to me.

After having lunch, I opened my physics book. And to your knowing, I have flipped the pages only two times cause there's this equation I'm stuck with.

I felt like I didn't do any theory study—I did actually—by how the answer at the back went over my head. My relationship with physics is really very bad that when one of us want to co-operate, the other doesn't.

Mr. Choi told me to take my doubts to him after lunch breaks as he's free during that time after having all his classes only during morning. But I don't think I'm permitted to take the whole book.

There was this big question mark hanging on my head, asking "why?".

I was feeling like I, an amateur tutor, was teaching myself and none of us had answers to why? We both were struck at this point.

Guess my plan of not getting any tuitions this year to take out time for my self-study backfired me. I need a teacher or I will stuck at the first chapters till final.

I decided to just skip the questions when the familiar ringtone of my phone rang, making my head turn back to the drawer.

"Hello?" The 'o' stretched longer than I intended after knowing that it's my friend calling and I could still stay in my informal style.

"What's up?" Sora asked instantly after hearing my little murmuring of distress.


"Great! Girls of you age are stressed about their fucked up boyfriends and you about physics"

It's been some months since when Sora has started to cuss out of nowhere but it still takes me out for a second. For most of the time, her cursings only makes both me and Haneul burst into laughter than being scared over it, which makes her annoyed by it.

So let our dancing butterfly think that she's fearsome.

"Yeah yeah, atleast physics being true to himself by showing his true side than gaslighting me" I tried to joke for a bit and she indeed laughed before speaking.

"Anyways, are you coming to my home this evening?"

"Why so?"

"Come on, it's Ichiro's birthday. Bro already looks upset by your response"

After checking the date to make sure my friend wasn't just pulling my leg and turning out I was the one at fault, my hand instantly slapped my face "sorry sorry sorry. I forgot about it" I apologized with guilt laden voice.

"Compensate it with by coming to my home this evening"

"Is there gonna be a party?"

"No, just a small gathering and dinner like before"

"Okay I will reach there before 4:30 pm"

"Okhe! Your time starts now"

I rolled my eyes at how Sora does every possible minor things to make me feel annoyed so if you ever think it's only me who likes to annoy her, it is just my slow response to her teases.

I have three hours at my hand and within those minutes I have to buy something for Ichiro, Sora's younger brother, as well. His birthday hasn't been celebrated for two years, the reason being the pandemic so I got out of the habit of keeping his birth date on track to not miss.

The last time I prepared something for someone's birthday was when my mom was entering thirty nine and I was fourteen which has been three years by now.

I couldn't think of anything so I decided to just buy something from the popular gift shop of her neighbourhood.

One thing about me is that I get very lazy when it's about going out. Taking out clothes and wearing them which you can only do by undressing the comfy ones you are wearing at home and then tie my laces is too hectic for me.

Oh so tiresome and how you can't go with a messed up hairstyle cause that's just the first step of the bottom-up analysis of calling someone weird.

But eating at your friend's place would be better than struggling with physics I predict.

It's been months since I have went out somewhere other than the convenient store and my school. I jumped into a pair of loose jeans and this blueish-gray long top with thin sleeves. I just picked whatever was closest to the reach and these were the ones I last wore when visiting my grandparents house during weekends.

At this point, I just wished to teleport infront of Sora's house and get back at home in the same way, after having a meal with the Suzuki family.

This fantasy wish appeared when I realised that Sora lives thirty minutes away from my house and moreover I have to go alone with nothing to not feel the time passing by.

Thankfully I quickly found a taxi and gave the address to the driver.

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late update due to school

enjoy double updates ig?

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