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I disguise as altruism?like some kind of congressman

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I disguise as altruism?
like some kind of congressman


After school, on the day when I talked to Mr. Geum about my studies, my mother got a call from sir. I didn't have my own phone during the time when he asked for an available contact number so he still doesn't  have my current personal number. My mother quickly received the call after bringing me down to the living room.

Mom signalled me to stay away as though I would disturb the talk. She wasn't saying much, but just nodding and letting out repeated yes and thank yous.

My father soon arrived after, and that's when I eventually came to know that what Sir had just told my mom. If it was just my mom, I could gave negotiated about letting the tuition idea go away but in the sincere presence of my father, I couldn't show any refusing behaviour but only okays.

He wouldn't scold me but the taunts and the incessant and exaggerated lectures that would travel my way till I go to bed, made me wonder my next actions many times.

Mr. Geum did try from his side to arrange my tuition. Mrs. Eunjeong also added that if it's not possible for her than she would try to look for another teacher as help after knowing Daeun, one of her close student, is my older sister.

But I wished that Mrs. Park Eunjeong just declined rather than asking time to figure out. I won't deny that she must be a nice lady to take my urgency in her considerations.

Things were nice till that with momentary anxiety of what might come next. But Sir said he would let me and parents know and that he has to wait for Mrs. Park's response.

During the recess, a junior student came to our class, looking for Wonbin who was, as usual, sitting quietly in his seat, conversed with Eunseok. The junior added that Mr. Geum has called for him to his office.

And that's how there were atom bombs of fear and uncertainty blasting in my head and that was all I could hear and couldn't register any words my friends were saying.

why is he called? I don't think I was overthinking as sir doesn't call any student to his office as often as the other teachers do.

So there must be some particular reason.

Sora noticed the sudden disturbance in my persona and asked as to what I was thinking. I told them everything but still felt so nervous and heavy in head.

"don't worry. He didn't say he would ask Wonbin right?" Haneul asked me from beside and I nodded lightly with worried frown hanging on my face.

"No but she suggested asking Wonbin by myself after knowing we are classmates, before ending the call."

Now, I was starting to just wish that if what I was worrying about turns out to be true, I would rather prefer Wonbin to decline straightly rather than accepting to help with reluctance. I was expecting the former from him, to be honest.

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