But it didn't take away the broken parts of me that missed my mother. It was as if my past was being mirrored at me, reflecting even my own mistakes.

"Athena, please talk to me."

I swallowed down my cries, slowly turning to meet his gaze. It was pained, harsh, his eyes rimmed a deep red from lack of sleep. Dark shadows starting to form beneath them.

"Thanks for breakfast, but I'm not hungry."


"Jimin please, I'm not hungry."

He sighed as he nodded, sitting his back against the couch as he watched me, examined me.

Before I could ask him what he was looking at he spoke again.

"Look, I know this isn't easy for you. With Clara missing, with me here, I know that you're uncomfortable. I am too, but we have to try and work together on this. You can set your boundaries and I will always respect them, if you need me to go, I'll go."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, biting the inside of my cheek. Slowly inhaling and exhaling out my rushing nerves as I turned my body fully towards his now. "Do you think the police will find her?"

The look of pain swiped over his face, so quick that I thought I had imagined it. He felt dismissed, but I couldn't bare my own words to answer him. Not right now.

"I don't know, but I know that us making the statements were the right thing. But we both know that this may have to be dealt with just us and whoever took her."

"Do you think-" I stopped as I looked down at my hands.

"Do you think she's alive?" I croaked out.

The room fell quiet, air heavy as I felt the sudden urge that I was being choked. Like time had slowed, I started shaking at the lack of response from him.

"All I know, is that we'll find her as fast as we can okay? She's a fighter, and she made it through once. She'll do it again, I know she will."

I nodded, tears falling as I slowly got up to my feet. Jimin rose with me, clearing his throat he grabbed his coat from the couch and began to walk to the front door. "I should go."

I didn't reply as I still stood in the living room, hands clenched tight to my sides. I nodded as he held his hand to the door, turning to look over his shoulder he said, "I'm going to check the office, but I'll send security here. You shouldn't be alone in this apartment."

"That's not necessary, I'll be fine. I want to be here in case she comes back."

"It is necessary Athena. Your safety is the most important thing to me right now. I'll text you in a bit to check on you okay?"

I stood there, frozen. Unable to move or to speak until I watched the knob turn and let him leave through my front door. Everything in me was screaming for him to come back, for him to hold me and run his fingers through my hair. To tell me he loves me and that everything was okay. I wanted to tell him the truth, about just how unsafe I really was.

How the pieces were slowly fitting together, but not yet clicking in my head. Was Jin really as horrific as Lena said he was? There had to be some truth to what she had told me. Why haven't I heard from him in days? Is what Jimin and Clara both said about Jin right? They were brothers?

Where was my bestfriend?

The timeline from when I heard from him, to Jimin arriving. To Clara disappearing and Tae vanishing from our lives. If JKs family was after me, someone had to be closer to me than I think. Someone could be using my bestfriend as a way to lure me in, but who?

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