However, Sherdaad's demeanor shifted noticeably as he glanced at his mother, his eyes betraying a hint of sorrow. "Mom, was Zuha on the call?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Shifa's heart sank as she realized the impact of his question. "Yes, she was," she admitted softly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his shoulder. "But don't worry, we'll talk to her later."

Sherdaad nodded silently, his expression reflecting a mixture of regret and longing.

Zuha sat alone in her room, her phone clutched tightly in her hand, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. She had just disconnected the call after hearing Sherdaad's voice, and now it echoed hauntingly in her mind, refusing to fade away. With a trembling hand, she pressed the device against her chest, as if seeking solace from the ache within.

His voice, so familiar yet so distant, lingered in her ears like a bittersweet melody, stirring up a storm of emotions within her. She closed her eyes, trying to block out the memories that threatened to overwhelm her, but they flooded her mind relentlessly, tearing at her fragile resolve.

"Tears streamed down her cheeks as she murmured to herself, her voice quivering with pain. "Why weren't you destined to be with me?" she whispered, her words barely audible in the silence of her room. "Why was I so unlucky? And why am I so far from everyone I love?"

The weight of her heartache bore down on her, threatening to engulf her in its suffocating embrace. With each passing moment, the pain grew more unbearable, until it felt like she would drown in a sea of sorrow.

"Look what your love did to me," she cried out, her voice breaking with the intensity of her emotions. "It's tearing me apart, shredding my soul into pieces. And I don't know how to make it stop."


I sat beside my mom, the weight of the world pressing down on my shoulders. Her eyes held a mixture of sympathy and pain, mirroring the turmoil within my own heart. I reached out and gently took her hand, seeking solace in her touch. She squeezed my hand reassuringly, silently offering her support.

Summoning every ounce of courage I had left, I finally spoke up. "Maa, I need to talk to you about something," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Her gaze softened, a silent invitation for me to share whatever was troubling me.

"What is it, sweetheart?" she asked softly, her tone filled with concern. I took a deep breath, steeling myself for the words I was about to speak. "Where's Baba?" I inquired, my voice trembling slightly with anticipation.

"Wo mehmaano ko bahar tak see off karne gaye hain," she replied, her fingers absentmindedly combing through my hair. The mention of my father's absence reminded me of the events of the day, of the engagement that had taken place, both mine and Shahmeer's.

Leaning my head against her shoulder, I felt a wave of exhaustion wash over me. "Mom, I need to wait until Baba gets back," I murmured, my words muffled against her shoulder. She nodded understandingly, her silent support giving me the strength to continue.

"I need to tell you both something important," I confessed, my voice barely audible. I didn't dare to look up, knowing that the weight of my words would weigh heavily on her heart. But even without seeing her face, I could sense the fear and apprehension in her eyes.

In my mother's comforting embrace, the tension gradually ebbed away, replaced by a sense of calm. Suddenly, my father's jovial voice cut through the silence, his playful tone injecting a lightheartedness into the room.

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