"I can't believe how much Zara has grown in these few weeks. And she has four teeth now? Oh my god, it almost feels like I've been away for months, but it was about six weeks." Tina looks at Zara who is enjoying her fruit.

Her hair is longer and she is definitely losing that little baby look. Soon she will be crawling everywhere so then she will have to chase two kids around. But she is already looking forward to it, she loves to experience all those milestones Zara and Cole are going to reach, so she really hopes she will be around them when they do.

The doorbell rings and because Stevie is still feeding Zara her fruit, Tina gets up to let Melissa in.
The three of them decided to hang out at Stevie's place to catch up while the guys are back at the factories.

"Hey Tina, how are you? I can't wait to hear all about you going to Monaco. I've been there for the races of course but that was to work. We barely saw anything besides the road to the hotel and the kitchen." Melissa walks in and puts her coat on the coat rack.

Soon both women walk into the kitchen where Zara has just finished her last bit of fruit and Stevie is cleaning her up. Zara still likes to wear her food on her face so now she's all sticky.

"You're so messy, silly girl." Stevie talks to her daughter while she is cleaning her face and hands with baby wipes.
Once she's clean enough she puts her on her play mat so she can practice, pushing herself up to crawl.

Melissa and Stevie embrace each other, glad to be able to be in each other's company again.
"You seriously got a tan Steevs. It's so unfair. Next year I'm going to ask Seb to go to the sun somewhere. Of course skiing was fun, but it would be so nice to come back from winter break as tanned as you."

Melissa actually loved the trip with Seb. After their little encounter with his ex of course. That could have ruined the entire ski trip.

"I don't think I'll get Daniel to go skiing. He is not made for snow and cold he always says. I guess that's what you get when you are from the other side of the world where they don't have as much cold winter days."

Stevie starts to make some coffee and she has made some millionaire shortbread which is delicious.

"What I need to know most of all, as you wouldn't tell me over the phone, did you finally show or tell Daniel everything?" Melissa asks her as she stirs some sugar in her coffee.
Stevie smiles.
"I did. And you were right. He was so amazing about it. He didn't even see them at first until I pointed them out."

Melissa raises her hands to the ceiling a bit dramatic.
"Hallelujah she has seen the light! So you guys finally did it right?" She wiggles her eyebrows up and down in a suggestive way.

Stevie starts to blush, knowing all too well that would immediately give it away.
"I knew it! He is amazing in bed right? Please tell me he is amazing in bed, because you deserve to experience all the amazing things sex has to offer."

Stevie is a bit embarrassed talking about this with her friends, but she also knows these two women won't judge her about anything.
"Yes we did it and yes he is fucking epic in bed. Oh my god the things that he made me feel. I've never experienced anything like it."

Melissa squeals excitedly.
"I knew it! I am so happy for you. I'm sure he's also a lot better equipped than your twunt ex."
"Mel! That's private!" Stevie laughs. She knew her friend would say something like this.
"Well you know Sebs dick is huge, you saw that yourself. Somehow Daniel gives out big dick energy."

Stevie snorts, shaking her head laughing.
"I guess he does. I'll just say, I think Seb and Daniel are very similar in that area."
"You lucky girl. What about Charles?" Melissa turns to Tina who turns even redder than Stevie just did.
"Melissa! Leave the girl alone." Stevie warns her.

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