Chapter Twenty-three: One Crucial Detail

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Circuit led Sala Te to his squad's barracks. As he did, he looked up at her, "I am glad I am back with my brothers. I feel safe again."

"I am glad you are happy to return to your squad. I will ensure that you stay safe from her... That I promise you." Sala replied, "I never intended for any of that to go down, but now that it is all over, let us forget the past and move forward, yes?"

Circuit nodded, "Good idea." He walked in and emitted a stress-releasing sigh as he saw his whole squad playing a game together.

The squad passed around a wadded-up uniform top as Vision stood with his datapad. When he called to stop, the cadet holding the uniform had to answer an academic question.

Vision was in the middle of a question directed to Ember when Circuit walked in. He stopped reading and ran over to his brother, entrapping him in a loving embrace, "Circuit! You're back! I thought for sure Lafa might have done something simply awful to you!"

Circuit hugged him back, "Not yet she hasn't." He chuckled nervously, "I'm still standing."

"And I am glad about that." Vision replied, releasing him from the hug after a few more seconds in the hug. "What were you needed for?"

"Well- I called for Circuit to come into my lab for a few tests. It turns out that he has an enhanced memory." Sala replied in a synopsis.

The squad got up and ran over, "Woah- really?!"

"It does make sense." Vision replied unsurprised, "One could easily come to those conclusions because of his impeccable ability to recall pretty much anything he learns."

The squad blinked blankly.

"Okay, 'genius.'" Patches giggled, "Way to ruin the moment."

Circuit shook his head with a laugh at Patches' statement before switching the topic off of himself. "So... I see that you all didn't go do your own things after all... Why is that?" He asked, peering around Vis to view his smiling brothers.

"Well, it was Sights who inspired us to do more 'cohesive' activities together. After you were taken from the table, I devised this exercise which is a blend of purposeful study and fun." Vision smiled.

"Congratulations on not being a drag, Vis." Patches chuckled.

Vision glared over his shoulder at Patches, "Congratulations, you just earned a question."

Circuit and his brothers laughed silently as Patches looked surprised before crossing his arms.

Patches squinted dramatically as if he was trying to make out Vision's figure, "Ah! Thank you for the punishment 'Madam Lafa Re.'"

Sala couldn't help but laugh with the other giggling boys. She found these interactions to be amusing, even if it was poking fun at Lafa.

Vision pushed his glasses up his nose, "If I am Madam Lafa, I best play the part." He stuck his head high and puffed his chest a little to give off a powerful and prideful presence as Lafa Re does, "'With that smart comment CT-2325, you have earned an entire surprise test based on the bar exam we elite scientists take to become cloners- pass and you will earn more disrespect from me. Fail and you will become Talon's personal mop to clean the floors with this afternoon during simulator training.'" He spoke while strutting around the room.

Patches laughed, "You have the whole 'Lafa act' down, brother. I could barely see any difference."

Sala walked farther inside the room, "I agree, but you'll be sorry if the real Lafa catches you acting like that." She sighed, "As realistic as your performance is, I think it would be best if you not mock her- even silently..." She told Vision and then muttered, "I can't believe I am defending her..."

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