Amelia looked at his profile in a daze and asked, "Where to?"

"Go home," James said flatly as he hugged her.

The home he was talking about was not the No.8 Mansion but his private manor.

This place covered an area of hundreds of acres, and there was a large garden inside. Looking from a distance, it seemed to be a sea of flowers.

It took them a few minutes to drive into the villa building, which showed how big the manor was.

The villa decoration was in French style, simple and bright, not overly dull, but very elegant, suitable for living.

When James put Amelia on the soft bed, she realized he had brought her home.

"Mr. Evans, you..."

She wanted to ask him why he had suddenly taken her home.

She didn't know how to ask him.

She lowered her head and did not dare to look at James.

However, James seemed to have read her mind and glanced at her indifferently.

"You can rest here for a few days before I send you back."

He didn't tell her the reason. He just said one simple sentence to give her an explanation.

When Amelia heard that he would send her home, she was no longer so nervous. As for a reason...

Perhaps because of choking her, causing her to almost break, he felt sorry for her, which was why he took her home to take care of her.

Although the reason was farfetched, she didn't dare to think too much about it.

James helped her lie down on the bed and called the housekeeper in.

"Frank, go and prepare some light food."

"Got it."

Frank answered respectfully and then left.

As soon as he left, James called two maids to prepare some female supplies and help Amelia wash up.

The wound on her back and the symptoms of heart failure made it painful for her to move. She could only rely on others' help if she wanted to wash up.

Amelia was thinking about how to ask James for help, and she didn't expect that he had already seen through it and arranged it for her in detail.

Amelia was touched and couldn't help whispering, "Thank you..."

James didn't reply. He just glanced at her and turned to leave the room.

After he sat down on the sofa on the second floor, he took out his laptop and began to work.

It was not until Frank, the housekeeper, went upstairs with the cooked porridge that he stopped his work. He looked at Frank and said, "Give it to me."

Frank was stunned momentarily and soon realized that James would send porridge to the young lady in the room in person.

No wonder he was working in the sofa area outside. It turned out that he was waiting for porridge here.

Realizing this, Frank quickly handed him the tray in his hand. "Mr. Evans, be careful. It's hot."

James nodded slightly, got up, and walked towards the second bedroom with the porridge.

The maid inside had just finished drying Amelia's hair. When she saw James coming in, she quickly lowered her head and left quietly.

Amelia had been washed very clean, and there was no makeup on her face, which made her look pale and bloodless.

James would probably have thought she had an incurable disease if it weren't for her beautiful features that covered up some signs of illness.

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