Settling In

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While Spirit's surgery went on, the others cleaned the house. By the time Spirit's surgery was over, the rain had cleared up, but it was still cloudy. The surgery had been successful and Spirit had a bedroom to recover in. They were hooked up to a heart monitor and other machines. Marcantonio sat in a nearby chair as Spirit lay on the bed, unconscious. "Please... get better..." Marcantonio said, holding Spirit's hand. 

Jax walked by, then saw how similar it looked to when Takato was in a hospital bed while he sat nearby, worrying. He then motioned Takato over, and Takato saw as well, his arm wrapping around Jax's shoulder. Jax reached up with his right hand and grabbed Takato's hand. "That looks familiar... doesn't it?" Jax asked. "Yeah... it does..." Takato said.

Upon hearing Marcantonio sniffle, and then wipe away a tear, Jax rested his head against the doorframe, feeling bad. Takato then let go of Jax, and walked into the room. 

It was a simple room; a single twin-size bed with a nightstand to the left of it, and a closet also to the left of it. There was a dresser, but it was empty and plain. There were chairs nearby that weren't there before, purely so anyone could visit Spirit.

Takato grabbed a chair, then set it down, sitting down. "Hey," he said. Marcantonio glanced up at Takato, then back down at Spirit. "You know we did a good job, Marc," Takato said, his voice gentle. "Yeah, but... maybe... if I were stronger-" Marcantonio got out before Takato said, "Hush. It wasn't your fault. The only ones to blame are the Foot Clan and the Krang." "But-" Marcantonio tried to argue, before getting cut off again. "No buts, Marc. Spirit's recovering, and he'll need as much positive energy as possible in order to heal faster," Takato said. His tone was stern, but still gentle. "Did... did Dad tell you that? Or... Levina?" Marcantonio asked, looking up at Takato. "Nope," Takato paused for a moment before continuing, "When I was healing, I noticed that whenever you guys were all positive, I seemed to be healing faster. But when it was negative, I was healing slower." "Oh... Okay..." Marcantonio said, looking back down at Spirit.

"They'll be okay. Just be positive. And look, their breathing is nice and steady," Takato said, before feeling Spirit's pulse, then grabbing Marcantonio's hand, making him feel Spirit's pulse. "And their pulse is steady," Takato said. Marcantonio took a deep breath, trying to keep himself calm. "You're right..." Marcantonio said, removing his hand from Spirit's pulse, before continuing, "But I can't help feeling the way I do."

Jax then decided to try to help. He entered the room and said, "I felt the same way, Marc." Marcantonio looked up at Jax, who had his arms wrapped around Takato's neck.* "But in the end, he turned out just fine," Jax said, kissing Takato's cheek before continuing, "So I know Spirit will be okay." Marcantonio wasn't sure how to respond, so he swallowed hard as he looked down at Spirit and said, "Okay..."

"Need a hug?" Takato asked. Marcantonio nodded, then leaned into Takato, who then wrapped his arms around Marcantonio. Jax decided to also hug Marcantonio, wanting to help him feel better. Marcantonio then took a deep breath and leaned further into the hug, feeling the warmth of it. "Thank you..." he said. "You're welcome, Marc," Takato said. 

Levina then came upstairs to say that lunch was ready. "Hey- oh. Group hug?" she said at the sight of the hug. "Just comfort for Marc, Lev," Takato said. "Can I join?" Levina asked. Marcantonio nodded, and Jax said, "Yeah." Levina then joined the group hug.

"By the way... food's ready," she said. "Give us a bit, okay?" Takato said. "Okay. I'll stay until we all go downstairs," Levina said, not wanting to leave Marcantonio alone.

Several moments passed, before Marcantonio said, "...Let's go." They all let go, and then Marcantonio said, "But give me a minute, okay?" "Okay. We'll see you downstairs," Levina said. Levina, Jax, and Takato then left the room, leaving Marcantonio alone with Spirit. Marcantonio stood up and looked down at Spirit. He then leaned down and kissed Spirit's forehead. "Get better, okay?" he said, before leaving the room and going downstairs.

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