Amongst People

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A little over a month later, the kiddos except for Plautilla and Paolo, for obvious reasons, were ready for school. Levina wore a skirt that matched the pink she always wore with shoes to match. They also wore a white dress shirt that was mostly buttoned up on top of a black tank top and his hair was worn up in a cute half-up bun. Marcantonio's hair was in the Modern-Day Cinderella style, and he wore the same thing when he went to the mall with Levina; his boots under a pair of pants, along with a gray shirt and a green jacket. Titian wore baggy jeans, a baggy shirt, and his usual prosthetics for his feet, but wore prosthetics for his hands with five fingers instead of three. He also wore his hat, despite the warning that was given.

"Alright... You guys are all ready. Let's go get in the car," Casey said, grabbing his keys. 

He then got a text from April, and he looked at it. "April just updated me on Nightshade's dad's status. Looks like he can walk again," he said, smiling. "That's amazing!" Levina said with enthusiasm. 

They soon left the apartment and went into Casey's car. Casey drove Marcantonio and Titian to their school first and dropped them off. As they left, Casey said, "Have a good day at school you two!" "We will, thanks!" Marcantonio said, loud enough for only Casey, Levina, and Titian to hear. 

Marcantonio and Titian walked into Stuyvesant High School and were immediately stared at. Mostly Titian. They didn't notice it at first, so they just walked and talked. 

"You have your schedule, right?" Marcantonio said loud enough for Titian to hear. "Yeah, I do," Titian said, showing the paper of his schedule. 

Then they started to notice that Titian was being stared at. "Dude, why are they staring at me?" he whispered to Marcantonio. "I dunno, probably cuz you're 6 foot 10," Marcantonio said with a deadpan face. "Oh. Right..." Titian said, remember how tall he was. "But don't worry about them, they're probably just wondering how you're that tall n stuff," Marcantonio said, shrugging. "And how you're so short," Titian said, smirking. "Hey! I'm not that short!" Marcantonio said, loud enough for Titian and a few others to hear. "Dude, you're 16 and literally 5 feet tall," Titian said with a deadpan face. "Well I can't help it," Marcantonio said, crossing his arms.

Then someone with a mix of blonde, black, and green hair with vitiligo and heterochromia approached them. "Hey, are you guys new?" they asked. "Yeah, we are," Titian said, putting his guard up. "Oh cool! What're your names?" they asked. "I'm Titian, and this is my older brother, Marcantonio," Titian said, pointing to Marcantonio. "Oooh! Your parents named you after Renaissance artists?" they said excitedly. "Yeah, they did. You got a problem with that?" Titian asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh! No, no, no! I actually think it's really cool!" they said, waving their hands in front of them. 

"You never told your name," Titian said to them. "Oh! Jeez..." they said, slouching a bunch and rolling their eyes, then perking up, "My name's Spirit!" "...Spirit...?" Titian said, a bit skeptical. "Yeah. I'm non-binary and I chose my name. Sooo," Spirit said, making a single finger gun with their hands and moving it from near their mouth to the floor. "Oh. Okay," Titian said without a care in the world. 

"Wait, you don't think it's weird?" Spirit said, a bit confused as they perked up. "No. We've seen a lot of weird things. And one of our siblings is genderfluid," Titian said, crossing his arms. "Oh really?!" Spirit said, surprised. "Yeah. She goes to Hudson River Middle School. And he's actually really good with makeup and outfits," Titian said, referring to Levina. "Oh cool! I can't wait to meet them!" Spirit said with a smile. 

"What grade are you in?" Titian asked. "I'm a junior. So 11th," they said, fixing the fishnets on their arms. "Ah. I'm a sophomore and Marc's a junior too. But I doubt you'll be able to meet Levina because they're in 7th," Titian said, pointing to Marcantonio when referring to him. "Aww," Spirit said, disappointed. 

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