Have a Bloody Good Halloween

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Halloween had arrived, and Casey had decorated his apartment. There were fake cobwebs, spiders, pumpkins, and cat and witch silhouettes throughout the apartment. This only seemed to heighten Levina and Paolo's excitement. 

"Ah! I'm so excited!" Levina squealed. "What, never been trick-or-treating before?" Akari said so casually. "No. Some certain individuals were too scared," Levina said, looking at their parents. "Ah, I see. Casey, April, and Jax are gonna join us just before we go," Akari said, sitting down on the couch with Chieko. "I can hardly contain my excitement!" Paolo said with a huge smile on his face. "Well, you must, dear brother," Plautilla said, being completely calm about the whole thing, but secretly really excited themself. "I know, I know! But it's so exciting!" Paolo said, practically shaking with excitement. 

"And afterwards, a scan of your candy shall be done to determine there isn't anything that could substantially harm you. Like needles and blades. Or drugs. People are doing that nowadays," Donatello said, wanting to make sure the kiddos are safe. "Eh. At least we're gonna be safe," Titian said, shrugging.

"Remember, T, you say that you're wearing stilts," Levina said, reminding Titian. "I know, Lev. I know," Titian said, a smile on his face. "I'm just making sure, cuz I want you to get candy too!" Levina said, acting completely like a little kid, which was adorable. 

"Get your costumes out and ready so you can get ready when it's time," Mona Lisa said, her arm around Raph's shoulder. "Alright!" Levina said, running to April's room, where they stored their costumes.

Meanwhile, in the dark storage room, Takato was asleep against the wall, wrapped in a blanket. The door opened, and Takato woke up. The Foot Soldiers then grabbed Takato and dragged him out. 

In the main area of Karai's lair, Karai was sitting on her throne. "Well... Soldier. Today is your death day," Karai said, a wicked smile almost forming on her face. Takato just stared angrily at Karai, unmoving, since he knew he couldn't fight against her, Thea, and a bunch of Foot Soldiers. "But instead of Thea going after you... I shall. The ceremony shall take place at dusk. Dismissed," Karai said, waving him off. And just like that, the Foot Soldiers dragged him back to the dark storage room and threw him back in. 

Takato reached out to the flashlight, turned it on, and slowly sat up. "Geez..." he said, rubbing his arm as his stomach then rumbled, and he said, "I guess I better find some food..." He looked around for a while, then found some canned soup. "Eugh... I guess this'll have to do..." he said, displeased about the food. He looked around a little bit more, and found some plastic silverware. "Huh... I didn't know we had this," he said, surprised they had plastic silverware saved. 

Takato opened the can, started eating, and said, "I guess it isn't bad..." He started leaning against the wall, saying, "It should be heated up..." as his hand touched something. It felt almost like a stovetop. He then grabbed the flashlight and pointed it at the object. He found out it was a portable electric stove, and there was a pot right next to it! "Sweet!" Takato said, smiling. 

It took him a while, but he soon found an outlet. He had to move some stuff, but managed to make an opening. He then plugged in the stove, placed the pan on it, and poured the soup in.

Takato looked around from where he was sitting and said, "This storage room has a bunch of stuff... I'm guessing this is for when an apocalypse happens or something. Talk about over-prepared." 

He decided to get up as the soup was heating up. He soon found a blanket, and said, "I am a bit cold..." He wrapped the blanket around himself and said, "Much better..." now feeling warm. He soon found a pillow close to where the blanket was. "And a pillow?! Damn..." he said, picking up the pillow, and shuffling back over to the soup. He checked on the soup, and said, "It's already at the perfect temperature..." 

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