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When Paolo and Marcantonio entered, Raphael was sitting in the living room nearby, reading a newspaper April had given him that day. He saw them still in their human forms and freaked out for a second. "Humans?! How did you- Oh. Never mind. You guys are back already?" he asked. "Just us. Paolo fell on the ground face-first. I managed to stop the bleeding, but on the way back, it started again. Nose might be broken," Marcantonio said. "Well let's get him to the med bay!" Raphael said, standing up and rushing over.

They got into the medbay, which smelled like the doctor's office, and Marcantonio grabbed the scanner. He set it up and then turned to Paolo and said, "Paolo, you need to remove your hands." Paolo moved his hands from his nose, and there was blood practically gushing out. Marcantonio quickly scanned Paolo's nose, and Paolo put his hands back up to his nose. Marcantonio looked at the results on the scanner and sighed in relief. "Good news. Your nose isn't broken. It's just a heavy bleed because the sensitive part tore. You're gonna need stitches," Marcantonio said. 

"Is there anything I can help with?" Raphael asked. "Yeah. Can you grab one of those hospital gowns from the cabinet to the right? Paolo's clothes are covered in blood," Marcantonio said. "Sure," Raphael said. He went to the cabinet and grabbed a hospital gown as Marcantonio managed to stop the bleeding again. Raphael handed the gown to Marcantonio, and Marcantonio thanked him. He handed it to Paolo and said, "I want you to change into this. You can keep your underwear on, don't worry." "Oh..." Okay..." Paolo said, his nose hurting as if someone had punched it. 

Marcantonio and Raphael then turned around, and Paolo started changing into the gown. "Poor kid. Always gettin' these nosebleeds," Raphael said, sorry for Paolo. "It's the scarf. He trips over it and crashes or falls," Marcantonio said. 

"Uh... I need help," Paolo said. "With?" Marcantonio asked. "With the back..." Paolo said. Marcantonio then turned around and tied the back of the gown for Paolo. "There we go. Hey, pops?" Marcantonio asked. "Yeah?" Raphael asked, turning around. "Can you go wash Paolo's clothes?" he asked. "Sure thing," Raphael said, picking up Paolo's clothes, including the scarf, and leaving. Marcantonio then washed his hands and put on some latex gloves. "Now, let's fix that nose," he said.

Meanwhile, in the busy mall, Titian and Levina were carrying some tools. "Okay... We got some of the tools," April said, checking off supplies on the list. 

"Still can't believe they were out of the wires," Plautilla said. 

"Now we need to get the medicine," April said. "How do you know which medicine it is?" Levina asked. "I do the shopping because they can't do it themselves," April said, then noticing Titian was upset. 

"Something wrong, T?" she asked. "It's just... Don't worry about it," Titian said. "Titian..." April said. Titian looked at April then sighed. "I feel bad," he said. "Why?" April asked. "It's my fault Paolo got hurt," Titian said, clearly upset. "No, it's not. Besides, in the hands of Marc, Paolo's gonna be okay," April said, trying to reassure Titian. "I know, but-" Titian started to say. 

"Shut up," Levina said. "What?" Titian asked. "I said, 'Shut up.' You need to stop worrying all the time. Marc is gonna take good care of Paolo, I know it. He's taken care of his nosebleeds like, a million times. So Paolo's gonna be okay. And I'm sure he won't blame you for what happened," Levina said. "Are you sure...?" Titian asked. "Positive!" Levina said. "If you say so..." Titian said. 

Then Thea ran into Titian and fell. "Ow..." she said. She looked behind her in panic and fear and saw Crystal, Frazer, and Abdul still chasing her. The others saw them and immediately knew. "I-I'm so sorry," she said, getting up. 

She started to run, but April grabbed her arm. "Stay here, I got you," April said. April then ran at full speed to them, and then went on the ground, sliding straight for them. She knocked one of the guys down and yelled, "Titian!" Titian then set down the stuff he was carrying and picked Thea up and put her on his shoulders. 

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