Good News

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One Friday night, the kiddos were out on patrol. They can only go on patrol at night during breaks, Friday nights, and Saturday nights, due to them being in school. On the other days, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, and sometimes Mona Lisa take over their night patrols. 

Titian had remembered the Purple Dragons, and it's been months since they last saw them. "You know, it's kinda weird that the Purple Dragons haven't been out," Titian said. "Yeah, it is," Levina said, remembering the Purple Dragons as well. "They never reported back to the Foot Clan after that encounter," Paolo informed, also remembering the Purple Dragons. "So they're either in jail, on house arrest, or-" Plautilla said, before getting cut off with a scream and a crash. 

They ran over to where the sound of the scream and crash came from, and looked over the edge. "Look! It's the Purple Dragons!" Levina exclaimed, pointing at them. "Look, the tech they have is rather... strange. It looks futuristic. But not the high-tech futuristic," Plautilla said, visibly confused. "So they got the tech from the future?!" Levina said, shocked as she looked at Plautilla. "Please, if time travel were possible, then the Purple Dragons would have been caught, and future me would have come back to tell me the lottery numbers, as we planned," Plautilla said with a cocky tone. 

The Purple Dragons then started getting away, and then Marcantonio said, "You guys, they're getting away! Let's go!" before jumping down. The others followed, and they started chasing after the Purple Dragons. "Shit! It's the turtles!" Crystal shouted when she looked behind her. "Let's see what this thing can do!" Abdul said, pointing a gun at the turtles. He pulled the trigger, and a ray beam shot out of it. Marcantonio was thankfully quick to act, and activated his mystic shield. But he noticed that his shield was cracking, and shouted, "Split up!"

They split up and ran just as the beam broke the shield. Marcantonio and Levina ended up together, still running after the Purple Dragons. "Dude! These weapons are too futuristic!" Levina said, worried they wouldn't be able to beat the Purple Dragons this time. "We need to regroup. But I don't know where the others are..." Marcantonio said, looking for the others while still running after the Purple Dragons. "Titian and Paolo are on the rooftops across from us, and Plautilla is diving in and out of the alleyways," Levina informed. "How did you-" Marcantonio said, confused. "Energy sensing. Father Mikey taught me what it was and what it meant," Levina said with a smile. "Ah. That makes sense," Marcantonio said as the two of them still ran. "And he taught me how to focus on specific people," Levina added. "Alright. We need to regroup," Marcantonio reminded. "Leave it to me!" Levina said, jumping off the roof. "Wait!" Marcantonio shouted, but Levina was already gone. "Ugh. Hopefully, she won't get caught..." he said, still running.

But soon enough, Plautilla came climbing up. "Marc!" they shouted. "Tilla! Come on! We need to keep up with them!" Marcantonio said, pulling Plautilla up, while keeping an eye on the Purple Dragons. "Got it!" Plautilla said as they resumed their pursuit. And just a few minutes later, Titian, Paolo, and Levina came running. "Got 'em! Told ya I'd get 'em," Levina said, smiling. "Yes, you did. Let's go. We need to keep up with them," Marcantonio said. 

They kept running, and Marcantonio spent several minutes in silence, analyzing the situation. "What's the plan, oh-so-great-leader?" Paolo said. "Uhm... Well... the best chance we have of winning is if Plau uses their tachi," Marcantonio said, unsure if Paolo was sarcastic or not. "Then what?" Plautilla asked. "Attack. We can't win if we do a coordinated attack. But we have to do it in such a way that we don't run into each other," Marcantonio said. "Like a dance! There are dances that seem completely at random, so if we just come up with something that seems completely at random, then we have a chance!" Levina exclaimed. "I like that idea!" Marcantonio said, smiling. "I'll explain how it's gonna work!" Levina said. 

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