Day 2

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The next day, Takato was in his room, sitting on his bed. He sighed and said, to himself, "God... Things are going so slow..." He fell backward on his bed, laying down on his back, and said, "I can't wait to get out of here..."

He took a few moments to think to himself, then said, "But I wonder what'll happen when Karai finds out... I can't let her find out..." Takato sat up and said, "Gotta look on the bright side... Gotta look on the bright side..." and took some deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm. He glanced over at the knife on his nightstand, zoned out for a bit, thinking, and said, "No. That knife is for- No... It's not anymore."

Takato got up, grabbed the knife, walked over to his window, opened it, and threw it out of the window. He smiled as he watched it fall into some bushes with a soft thud. A few leaves flew up, then fell. He closed his window with a smile, took a deep breath, and said, "I'll just say that Paolo must've taken it... I can't kill them. Especially since they're gonna help me." 

Karai then knocked on his door, breaking his train of thought. "Yes?" Takato said, turning to his door. "Let's go. Hamato Clan was spotted," Karai said through the door. "Alright," Takato said, walking to his door. He opened his door and walked out, following Karai. "Where were they spotted?" Takato asked as Karai led them to the main area. "At a high school. Stuyvesant High School, I believe," Karai said without looking back at her own son. 

Takato's stomach dropped. "That's impossible. They'd have to disguise themselves," Takato said, starting to go into a panic, but didn't show any sign of it. "Exactly," Karai said, glancing at Takato. "So were they disguised or not?" he asked. "They were. Their combat specialist, the lizard woman, was spotted there," she responded. "Oh. I see..." Takato said, making it seem like he was absorbing the information. "Of course, we could be wrong, but she was seen in her human form," Karai said. "She could be working as a teacher there..." he said, trying to throw Karai off-course. "Even then, there's no harm in checking. We're going now," Karai said. "While school's in session?" Takato said, worried. "Of course. It's the best way to find the Hamato Clan," Karai said as they got to the main area. "Okay..." Takato said, knowing that there was now no way to change Karai's mind. 

Of course, Thea was already in the main area, ready to go. "Karai, I suggest that Takato stays. We wouldn't want him screwing up the mission or getting harmed before the wedding," Thea suggested. "I agree. Takato, you stay here," Karai said, turning to him. "Alright..." Takato said, relieved that he wouldn't be involved in the attack, but still worried about the Hamato Family and all the students. "Thea, let's go," Karai said, opening the door. "Yes, Lady Karai," Thea said. And just like that, they left. "Great... How am I supposed to get a message out to them now?" Takato said, knowing he couldn't leave the base as he looked out the window.

Soon, Chieko had arrived. "Chieko! I need a favor to ask you," Takato said, practically jumping up and running over to Chieko like a child running to his mother when she came home from work. "Of course, Takato. What is it?" Chieko asked. "Get a message to the Hamato Family, telling them that Karai and Thea are on their way to uh... uh... ugh I can't remember the name..." Takato said, trying to remember the name of the high school. "Just describe the place they're headed," Chieko said, taking out her phone. "The high school that Marcantonio and Titian attend," Takato said. "Alright," Chieko said, choosing Akari's contact and walking into another room before Akari answered the call.

Takato sighed in relief and looked out the window again, saying, "I hope they'll be safe..." He continued to look out of the window for several more moments, before Chieko came back into the room. "They're safe. They're all at home making their Halloween costumes," Chieko said. "Oh. So they're ditching school?" Takato asked. "Plautilla is forging doctor notes..." Chieko said, answering the question. "Oh. That's..." Takato said, not knowing to to respond to that. "I know. Not ideal. But you know," Chieko said, shrugging. "Fair enough. But wait... the school's gonna go on lockdown," Takato said, reverting the conversation back to the school. "And it'll scare the kids... Give me a moment," Chieko said, going into another room again to call Akari.

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