The Past Pt 2

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The adult mutant turtle wearing a blue bandanna crouched down and reached out his hand, palm up. "Careful, Gappy... These are the ones that Lady Karai said are evil..." young Paolo whispered, hiding behind young Marcantonio with his arms out. "What did we tell you?" young Marcantonio whispered back. "Oh... Right..." young Paolo whispered. 

"We won't hurt you. I promise," the mutant turtle with the blue bandanna said softly. Young Marcantonio then slowly put his arms down, and hesitantly walked towards the mutant turtle with the blue bandanna. Young Marcantonio then slowly and carefully put his hand on the mutant turtle's. 

The mutant turtle smiled and said, "My name's Leonardo. Do you guys have names?" Hesitantly, young Marcantonio said, "Yeah, well... No, not really..." "What do you mean?" Leonardo asked. "We call each other by our attributes. I'm Glasses," young Plautilla said. "I'm Gappy, and that's Alien Eyes," young Marcantonio said, pointing at young Paolo. "And those two are Dotty and Lashes," young Marcantonio said, pointing at young Titian and young Levina. 

"Where did you guys come from?" Leonardo asked. "Lady Karai..." young Paolo said sadly, fidgeting with his hands. 

Leonardo then looked at the others with concern and stood up. "If these five came from the Foot Clan, but escaped, we have to take them in," he said. "There's also the chance that they're still with the Foot Clan," the one with the purple bandanna said. "I doubt it. I looked at the scar on erm... Gappy's face, and it looks infected. He looks sickly," Leonardo said. The one with the purple bandanna then looked at young Marcantonio and back at Leonardo and said, "You're right..." 

He then crouched down and said, "Hey, erm... Gappy?" Young Marcantonio then approached him. "My name's Donatello. Can I look at your wound?" he asked. 

"What's a wound?" young Marcantonio asked. "Your boo-boo," Donatello said, pointing at young Marcantonio's scar. "Uh... Okay..." young Marcantonio said, turning his head so the scar faces Donatello. Donatello then examined young Marcantonio's scar. "Yep... It's infected. Looks like he didn't-" Donatello said before young Marcantonio passed out. 

"Gappy!" young Paolo yelled. "What did you do to him?!" young Titian yelled angrily. "His infection must've gotten really bad. And... I can't tell how old he is. Leo-" Donatello said. "We must take them with us," Leonardo said before Donatello could ask. 

"I don't wanna hurt them. So I'm not picking them up," the one with the red bandanna said, as Donatello picked up young Marcantonio and started running off. Leonardo then picked up young Titian and young Levina while the one with the orange bandanna picked up young Paolo and young Plautilla. "Put us down!" young Paolo yelled, trying to break free. 

When they got to the base, Donatello said, "Leo, I'm going to need some help." Leonardo then carefully put down young Titian and young Levina, and then Donatello and Leonardo ran into the medbay. The one with the orange bandanna then put down young Paolo and young Plautilla. 

"Where are they taking him?!" young Paolo yelled, stomping his foot. "They're taking him to the med bay, which is where we take sick or hurt people and fix them. And right now, your brother is really sick," the one with the orange bandanna said. "Sick with what...?" young Titian asked, worried. "We don't know. Which is why they took him there," the one with the red bandanna said. "Is he gonna be okay...?" young Plautilla asked, worried. "In the hands of those two, absolutely," the one with the orange bandanna said, smiling. 

A while later, Donatello and Leonardo came out of the med bay. "Is... Is Gappy going to be okay...?" young Titian asked. Leonardo crouched down and said, "He's going to be okay." "I treated the infected area, and everywhere else that has been affected," Donatello explained.

"Also quick question," Donatello said. "Yeah?" young Titian asked. "What do you need?" young Plautilla asked. "Do any of you know how old you are?" Leonardo asked. "Well... I'm three years old, Dotty and Alien Eyes are both four, making them twins, Lashes is two, and since Gappy is a year older than Dotty and Alien Eyes, he's five," Plautilla said. "Well aren't you smart?" Donatello said, praising young Plautilla. "I'm intelligent," young Plautilla said. 

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