Part 2: When You Let Her Go

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Song Credits: Honeyfox, Lost., Pop Mage - Let Her Go

Italic - Importance/Texting //// Bold - Emphasis/Texting //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory


"-I hate you Seek, and I mean it. You can't tie up your loose ends..."

I stand up, wiping my eye. I take a few steps backwards. Skyelle refused to let me apologize, however I knew that deep down, that I screwed up, badly.

I was about to leave, until she asks about Light. She wished to know why I came here. My silence was enough of an answer. She sighed, knowing that was it.

However I don't think that she'll take me back ever, especially with all that I unwillingly put her into...


Light wasn't happy that I left. However I won't tell her why. She pushed me up against the door, and we kiss. She groans out.

"Why can't we have a moment to ourselves hm? Still saving yourself for someone else?" I shake my head. I still wanted a family with Skyelle.

"No, I'm just not in the mood. Leave me for awhile. I just want rest..." She nods, leaving me alone. I sigh out, wishing that she was here. I lean back on the door.

Now she hated me. Then I get a text. I open it, not expecting her to text me after so long. 

"Hey, I was thinking about you again. I'm just scared of being hurt once more. Yet... I was eventually going to leave the town when I'm better. It's for the best."

My heart shattered at reading that. I was on the floor, clawing at the tile. She was going to move away soon. I had to do something to make her stay.

I can't lose my Inkrose forever...

We've been through so much together. I went from Hell and back to make sure she was fine. All those memories resurfaced. The good, and the bad.

Especially the ones where I promised her safety within my arms.

Going back was an option, and this time I needed to see her again. My heart was set on getting her back. Even if it'll take forever...


I brought Screech along, knowing that he also missed her. They hug, her face lighting up at seeing the smaller entity. I knew that she had thought of him as a son.

She curiously looks over, it was my turn. I bashfully hand her the roses that I got her. Skyelle ends up crying, saying sorry for how she reacted.

I tell her that it was fine. It was my fault after all.

"Hey, you don't have to say sorry, okay? I should be the sorry one. Abandoning you in a horrible time was extremely stupid, huh?" I hug her, keeping her in my arms.

The poor girl clung on tightly, afraid to let go of me. I kiss her head, and she pushes me away, making me concerned.

"I... I've had enough attention for one day, but thank you for the flowers, Seek. See you later." I didn't let her finish. I was set on staying here for tonight.

She obviously was torn on whether if she wanted me to stay here or not. Her sigh was heard, and I held her close, just wanting her back as my beloved...


Deep down I know that I had to go home eventually, but as I leave, I kiss her head slightly. Her body was so small in the bed. It was months after all...

I do end up getting home, Light wanting me right now. Knowing that I probably will never get Skyelle back, I agree. I was so pent up from not having someone in so long.

I hadn't realized that it was late when we finished, but the call interrupted my thoughts. 

"Yes?" The nurse from before sounds worried. "It's about Skyelle. Is she with you right now?"

I shake my head. "No, why?"

The next few words shattered my world. "She's missing."


She's missing. She's missing. She's missing.

I needed to find her right away. I was scared of someone hurting her, her body wasn't able to take anymore, and she was still important to me.

Using my tracking app, I end up finding her, but she seemed broken, mentally. Her insane laughter freaks me out. Talking about killing herself, seeing as I no longer cared for her like that.

I kiss her deeply, unable to stop myself. She does try to fight back, eventually giving in. Her whining made me want her right now, but she gasps in pain, falling into my arms.

My vision blurs as I scream my no's. I was not losing her. 

"No! I'm not losing you again! Please, stay with me..." Her heartbeat was weaker. I was already too late. However I wasn't giving up. She meant too much to me...

Getting her back to the hospital, I was broken after I heard what was wrong with her. Skyelle had gotten amnesia, from fracturing her skull.

I couldn't believe it. She had no recollection of the past. All she recalled was knowing me, but not our history together. Or the fact that we weren't dating anymore.

I really messed up this time. And now I'll have no choice, but to watch her gain her memories back, ending up with her leaving me for good...


(After Skyelle's memory loss and Seek's betrayal, she would not give him any chances to see her again. So one night he came back, calling out for her. However she doesn't listen...)

I carefully open the window to her room. She was there, lying in bed, and I decide to quietly call out to her. "Skyelle! Please, I need to talk to you..."

She appeared to be asleep, or was most likely ignoring me. I just hope that it was the first option. I sigh, understanding that she'll continue ignoring me.

Why wouldn't she? I deserved it. For all that I put her through, it was what I get for coming back after many months of abandoning her, when she needed support the most...


That night wasn't the most memorable. I do end up talking to her, and the girl made some snarky remarks in return.

She sings a sad song, and sobs her heart out. 

I make a hug around her, letting the girl fall into my arms, clinging on for dear life. I let her cry, and she starts to break.

And her admission broke my heart. Why was I so stupid??! She was the one for me, my soulmate. My human lover, the same one that was by my side multiple times.

Now this time won't be different...

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