Chapter 38: When I'm Falling Apart

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Song Credits: ARMNHMR - Falling Apart (feat. RUNN)

Italic - Importance/Texting //// Bold - Emphasis/Texting //// ' ' - Thoughts //// ( ) - Memory

"-Too many hours in a day. Wasted on daydreams, of somebody that I can lean on. Holds me up when I don't feel strong..."


(Seek's POV)

Skyelle wasn't talking to me in a long time. I was getting worried that she was in some sort of trouble. The nurse told me she doesn't want to see me ever again.

I start thinking that everything that was happening was all my fault. Tonight I would go into her room and ask her what was up with her.

Soon it was night, and I open her window, seeing her face look like it was in pain. She grumbles when I step around to her bed.

She looked to be having another nightmare. I sigh and hold her hand gently. "I'm so sorry about being the cause of the nightmares. You didn't deserve it..."

She bursts her eyes open, screaming at me and kicks me in the face. "Ow! What was that for Skyler?" She looks pissed.

"Oh, well if it isn't the one that hurt me." I was surprised. "Farah told me what happened. Look, whatever happened before with us, I don't want anything to do with you."

I look sad as she turns away from me. Skyelle seemed to be done with being around me. I caused her so much heartache, and this time she'll never listen.

She hums a sad song as I look her over. She still had marks from the car crash, and her head was still bandaged up.

She'll never heal, and it was all because of me. 

"-Wonder what it's gonna take, to fix this feeling. When I'm falling apart..." Her singing was so beautiful, even though it was a sad tune, it came from the heart.

She sobs, letting me know that yes, she was suffering from it all. I walk over to her, and she looks up at me with tear filled eyes.

I make a hug around her, letting the girl fall into my arms, clinging on for dear life. I let her cry, and she starts to break.

"I can't lie... I missed you, but seeing you with her, made me feel horrible thoughts. Thoughts that involved hurting myself. I can't control them any longer..." Her confession made me hurt.

She was still mine. I didn't want to be the cause of her death. I say something to her that made her hiccup a sob out.

"Hey, I'll be here for you. And don't worry, I'll break up today. I just want to be with you again. Being apart hurts. And I'm sorry for harming you.."

Skyelle looked so broken right now. 

I take her hand in mine. She looks down at them, making sure to hold onto mine. I lift her chin up, and we kiss. 

I missed her touch so much. She tilts her head, and I kiss her deeper. We separate. She pants for air, and her red face was so pretty to stare at.

I put my head on her forehead. "I love you, very much."

"I love you too..." She snuggles into me, making me blush in return. We lay in her bed, and she looks up at me with those hypnotizing eyes of hers.

She was so cute like this...


We were finally, after so long together again. Last night was stressful wanting someone to be there for me. And now he was with me.

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