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Zeke Hayes

-One Year Later-

Crying wakes me up, for the third time since midnight. Groaning, I turned over in bed. Layla, our beautiful baby girl, is not a great sleeper. At night anyways. I sit up, scooping her up in my arms.

Her skin is darker, like her dad's and she has dark brown hair. She's about 4 months old now. Giving birth was a very interesting experience. I had to have a tradition c section obviously,

There were some scares throughout the 9 months, but I made it, and so did she. Shushing her, I rock her in my arms while I walk to our kitchen. We still live in the pack house, we've been looking for a house but haven't found a good one yet.

I make a bottle for little lay, and feed her while rocking her. It's a little before 2, and it seems like tonights going to be a long one. P comes from our room, his hair a mess and shirtless.

"Need anything?" His voice is rough, and he's obviously tired.

"No, go back to sleep" I murmured, taking the bottle from Lay, and burping her. Once she's good, I go back to feeding her, rocking her.

"I don't have to be up till 10 tomorrow. Let me take her baby" he walks across the room, and i slowly hand her over. "I'll keep her out here for a couple hours. Get some sleep" he kisses my head, and a smile tugs at my lips.

I started working in the pack's daycare. I don't make much money from it, but I can help out and still be with our precious girl. Peyton has been doing really good as Beta. Nolan and him have been killing it.

Sam had her precious boy. Noah. He's a perfect baby. I get to spend a lot of time with him while I work in the daycare. Sam is always handling pack stuff, but she usually gets a couple hours away.

I'm currently helping get snack time ready for the older kids, then getting bottles ready for the young ones. The cutest thing is, Layla and Noah love laying together. They sleep so peacefully.

We're hoping they'll be best friends. I help feed the babies, and change some diapers. The older kids get ready for naptime, when my best friend comes in.

"Hey, how is he?" Sam asks, her blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun. She's put on more weight to sense the baby, but she's turned it all into muscle.

"Good, sleeping" I murmured, cleaning some bottles from lunch time.

"How was Lay last night? P said she was up all night?" she asks, helping me wash some bottles.

"She was up all night, P was up with her though since i've been up all week with her. He's been busy so i don't mind, but it was sweet of him" a smile tugs at my lips, because my mate has been exhausted too. But he always takes care of us.

When Layla was born, a lot changed for us. It wasn't all good, there were a lot of fights, exhaustion, lots of crying and a lot of communication. We've been building our relationship since day one, and I don't think we will ever stop growing and changing.

But one thing that doesn't change is us.

Peyton POV

-18 years later-

We have three kids now, Layla, Branson and our youngest, Alexander. Branson turns 18 today, and he has his ceremony later. He's been a nervous wreck all week about it. Our oldest hasn't found her mate yet, and Bran is worried that he won't find his mate, or that he won't get the appropriate mate.

Bran came out a long, long time ago. But we knew way beforehand, he was always interested in boys, and strayed away from the girls. Xan- Alexander- came out shortly after Bran, and that was the biggest surprise to us.

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