Chapter Two, New School

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Zeke Hayes

The only thing that sucks worse than waking up at the crack of dawn, is starting at a new school. I just moved here from a state over, and as fun as it is to leave your whole life behind, I know two people here, which makes this stupid day way more lonely.

I met Ava, and Cameron sometime this summer. We met when I went to the local coffee shop, and I spilled my ice coffee on Ava, and she instantly demanded we become best friends.

I don't know if we're best friends, but we are friends. We met at the beginning of summer, and now it's the start of school. They definately softened the blow of coming to a new school, so I am thankful for that.

"We have lunch, and history together" Ava says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nod my head, glancing at Cameron.

"I have lunch with you guys, Math with you, Zeke and English with you Av" he nudges her shoulder, and she smiles wide.

"We will survive!" she demands, making a couple people stare at us. I've come to learn, that's just who she is. Loud, outspoken, dramatic.

"We better head to homeroom" Cam mumbles, and I agree.

"Yeah yeah" Ava huffs out, and after they help me to my homeroom, we go our separate ways for now. I walk to the back of the class, sitting behind two guys. One has black hair, and golden skin. The other has a nice tan, and curly brown hair. I sit down, setting my backpack on the desk.

The curly brown haired boy glances back at me, and I offer a small smile. He just nods his head at me. I sat directly behind the boy with black curls and golden skin.

He doesn't pay any mind to me. The two boys in front of me are uh, big? If that's even the right word for it, I don't know. But they're bigger than I'd expect, I don't know what they put in their water here.

A couple other kids file in, some sit with the boys in front of me. They share whispers and glance at me. Some of the girls send me a little smile, or a wave. Others just eye me. Maybe this wasn't the best seat.

After the teacher takes attendance, I learn that the curly brown haired boy is Jackson, and the black haired boy is Peyton. I didn't pay too much attention besides that.

Once the bell rings, signaling it's time to go to our next class, I grab my things and find my way there. I have an English first period, so I will make my way there. I sit in the back of the class, per usual. I notice a couple kids from my home room, Peyton and one of the blonde haired girls are here.

I think her name was Sam? She sits besides me, giving me a small smile. "Hi" she says softly, and I return the gesture.

"Hey" Peyton sits beside her, and she puts her hand out.

"I'm Sam, that's Peyton" she nods to her friend, and i shake her hand.


"We have a homeroom together," she tells me and I nod.

"Yeah, i saw you there" i confirm, and Peyton glances at me, but he looks bored, so i don't try to talk to him. His eyes narrow in on me slightly. Okay he looks like he wants to kill me.

"Don't mind him, he's just cranky" she waves him off. An even taller boy walks in, catching Sam's attention. She waves him over, and he sits at the desk in front of us.

"Hey babe" he says, then his eyes cut to me.

"Oh I can move," I offer, but he shakes his head.

"You're a good man" his eyes cut over to Peyton, he raised a brow, and I didn't see Peyton's reaction to it. But the tall man sends me a half smile.

"I'm Nolan '' he puts his hand out, and i shake it. His grip is a lot stronger than Sam's.

"Zeke" I repeat, and Nolan releases my hand.

"You new around here?" Nolan asks, and I nod my head.

"I moved here at the beginning of the summer"

"Where are you from?" Sam asks, and my eyes trail over to her.

"I'm from Ohio"

"Oh that's not fair from here" here, is pennsylvania. If i didn't mention that already.

"Nah, i was like 3 hours from here" i tell her, and Nolan speaks next.

"That's awesome man, have you made any friends?"

"A couple, yeah"

"And now us" Sam says, giving me a warm smile.

When I glance around, I notice the room is filling up, more big people file in, and before I know it I'm surrounded by their friend group. My nerves start spiking, because I don't want to be around all of this. I feel like I should move, maybe I should. I glance around the room, looking for a different seat when Sam pulls me from my thoughts.

"Where's your schedule? I wanna see if we have anything else together" she mumbles, and I shuffle through my bag, pulling out my schedule.

"You have lunch, study hall and history with me and P, Nol is in our lunch too" she tells me, glancing quickly through my schedule and hers. She hands it back, and the teacher starts class. I glance over at Peyton, to find him already staring at me. I glance away, but throughout the whole period I feel his eyes on me.

Guess no one ever taught him not to stare. Class goes by pretty quickly, and Sam walks me to history, with her friend and boyfriend trailing behind us. She keeps a conversation going, and I try to add as much as I can to it.

Once we get to our history class, I go in. They stay out in the hall to talk, and I see my redhead bestie, and I instantly go to her, sitting down. "How was your first class?" Ava asks, and I glance at the doorway.

"Good, i think i made a friend?'' I say, and before she can answer Peyton and Sam are sitting in front of us.

"Hey, I'm Sam," she says to Ava, who looks dumbfounded.

"We've been in the same school for four years, i know who you are" Ava says, her natural sass coming out.

Sam drops her hand, but gives an awkward smile. "Right.."

"Ava" Ava cuts in, her eyes glancing at Peyton. He raises a brow at her, but doesnt say anything. I'm not sure I've even heard him talk.

"Sorry, Ava," Sam says, giving a polite smile. Ava glances at me, then back to Sam.

"It's fine, you've met Zeke?" she asks in a sweet tone and Sam nods.

"We have homeroom and english together" she tells her, and they end up in an easy conversation. The awkwardness is fading.

The teacher starts to talk, introducing the class and doing attendance. The rest of the day goes on, uneventful and boring. I'm walking through my front door before I know it. Mom's working, and dad should be done soon, unfortunately.

I make my way to the kitchen, getting water. My phone buzzes, and I see an instagram notification.

SamanthaLauren requested to follow you.

I accept it, following her back.

SamanthaLauren messaged you

SamanthaLauren: Hey! It's Sam

ZekeHayes: Hey

SamanthaLauren: Was hoping we could make plans to hang out soon??

ZekeHayes: Uh yeah totally!

She doesn't answer after that, and I don't pay much attention to that. I go upstairs to my room, hopefully to avoid my father for the night. 

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