Chapter Thirteen, Blood

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Peyton Williams

"You're covered in blood" Sam says, once she runs up to me. We're in the medical building, where I took Zeke. I got woken up by the guards, and found Evan holding an unconscious Zeke. He woke up on the way, but he passed back out before we got here.

"Zeke was fucked up" Evan says from besides me. My eyes cut over to him, and he looks scared. Probably is.

"His dad?" Nolan asks, and I glance at him.

"I don't know. I don't know anything. They just took him back to surgery. They said he has internal bleeding, and they think some broken ribs. "I chewed the inside of my check. "His eyes are black and blue, swollen. He's covered in blood"

"Peyton?" someone says, and I glance over to a lady in a white coat and blue scrubs. I walk over quickly.

"That's me"

"Hi, he just went into surgery. They say it will probably be about two hours. They're not sure what it's going to look like though" the nurse tells me, and I nod.

"Okay, let me know right away." she nods, stepping away going back to what she needs to do.

"You need to go change P" Sam says, gently grabbing my arm. I pull my arm from her grip.

"I'll wait" I walk toward the waiting area, but Nolan grabs my arm.

"She's right. Go change. You'll be quick, nothing will change in that time. He shouldn't wake up with you covered in his blood P" he says, and I glance at the nurses station.

"Swear to goddess you'll link me if anything changes?" I ask, and Nolan nods.


I showered quickly and got changed. I also got some spare clothes for Zeke whenever he comes out. We're going on three hours of him in surgery. They don't have any updates, but they did say it's harder for them to work on him because they're used to werewolves.

Who heals fast.

I'm getting anxious, I've been pacing the waiting room for the last ten minutes. Sam and Nolan are here, thankfully. I'm not sure what's going to happen. I don't know much about internal bleeding,

"Peyton?" the doctor says, and I make my way over to her quickly.

"I'm Dr. Harris. I operated on Zeke, your mate. He is in the recovery room now. It took some time to stop the bleeding. He pulled through though, and he will have a successful recovery. He has 4 fractured ribs. We're starting him on antibiotics for his infected cuts. We are also recommending that a physiatrist come and talk to him. Self harm is something we take very seriously, and since his wounds are infected we are worried they have been for a while. Do you have any idea how long he has been doing that for?." She gives me a small smile.

Self harm? He hurts himself? My brows crease, and my lips part. How long has he done that for?

"I- I didn't know he was' ' my heart aches, and my throat tenses. "I don't think anyone knew"

"Well, we will have to ask once he wakes up. The nurse can take you back to his room shortly. I'm sorry this is how you found out, but we're treating him best we can. And it all seems like a positive recovery" She gives me another smile, and then she's turning and walking away.

I turn up face to face with Nolan and Sam. Fuck. "Did you guys hear?" I chewed my check, I'm sure they did. But I hope not, because that's something private that he should be able to tell people when he's ready.

Sam nods, tears building in her eyes. "Why does he do that?" she whispers, and my throat tenses. I try to swallow all the emotion I can, but my voice still cracks.

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