Chapter Four, Assholes

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Zeke Hayes

"You want us to hangout with those- those assholes?" Ava whispers, and it makes Cam laugh. We're currently at lunch, and I told her about being invited to hangout with Nolan, Sam and some of their friends.

"Come on Av, for me? I need to make more friends here, and they've been so nice to me '' I tell her, eating a piece of chicken from my tray.

"I don't know..If Nicole is there she will just cause issues, and i really don't like them, they're rich snobs that think they're better then everyone with their freakishly big bodies' ' she scoffs, rolling her brown eyes.

"They're not all that bad. Nolan is pretty nice, and so is Jack" Jack, is the curly brown haired boy in my homeroom, he does seem nice.

"You're just saying that because you have the hots for him" Ava says, and Cam shrugs. Cameron has short brown hair, and he's a bit taller than me. But he has a thing for the rich snobs I guess.

"I don't have the hots for him" he waves her off, taking a bite of his pizza.

"Sam is really nice too, she's done nothing but try and help me adjust here" I tell them, and Ava sighs.

"Fine, I'll go" she drops her head into her hands, letting out another dramatic sigh.

"Thank you" I smiled. My phone buzzes then, and I pull it out, my brows furrowing at the notification.

peyton_williams requested to follow you

I click on the notification, and go to his profile to see that it is, the same peyton from class, the same one who says nothing to me. I accepted his request, and sent one of my own. It approves immediately and a message follows suit.

peyton_williams: Hey

ZekeHayes: Hey

Peyton_williams: Sam wants to know if you guys are still up to hang? Her phone died.

ZekeHayes: Oh yeah, we are! Are we meeting there?

Peyton_williams: ya, that works. See ya then

"Who are you texting?" Cam asks, and I slide my phone back into my pocket.

"Peyton texted asking if we're still going. I told him we are"

"Ahh '' Cam mumbles. I don't know much about Peyton, he doesn't really talk around me, I hear him talk to Nolan and Sam sometimes, but when he sees me he pretty much goes radio silent. I thought he was just a dick at first, but I wonder if he just isn't a people person, or maybe he's shy?

I don't know, I doubt it's that, but it kinda seems like it.

We're walking into the cafe afterschool, Ava is leading us to the counter to get some food, or coffee. I order an iced coffee, and then we go to the tables in the back. We start talking about school, plans for the weekend and so on. Cam and Ava are sitting across from me.

The bell rings on the cafe door, and we glance over to see a group of kids from school. There's Jack, Peyton, Sam, Nolan, and a couple others we don't know. Well I don't know.

Ava huffs and leans over the table "The brunette is Nicole '' she whispers, and I nod sipping on my coffee. Sam sees us, and waves and puts up a finger, signaling one second. They all get in line, and then after they get their orders they are walking over. Peyton slides in the booth next to me.

His thigh brushes mine, and I almost swear it feels like little shocks. I glance throughout the group, as they move a table over connecting it to ours. Sam sits next to Peyton, and Nolan. Nicole, Jack and the other kid slide in on the opposite side.

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