Chapter Twenty Two, Mating

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Zeke Hayes

I'm sitting in my last period of the day, bored out of my fucking mind. The pack ceremony is tomorrow, and things have been hectic around the pack house. Sam, Nolan and Peyton will be taking on their roles, and finishing school at the beginning of next week.

Then there's the fact that we're going to be officially mated by the end of tomorrow. Which there's a lot to be mated with.

For one, he has to bite me. With his sharp canines.

Then there's the mind linking, the emotional connection that's deeper than anything I've ever had.

I thought I'd be freaking out, but I'm not. Not about the sex, but what comes with it. The accepting him as my mate, forming a connection that is going to last forever.

But I just think about how good he is to me. How he makes me feel. How excited I am for it. I try not to focus on the things that should freak me out.

My phone vibrates, and I pull it out.

Peyton: How's class?

Me: borning. It's just study hall

He answers instantly.

Peyton: Sam's going to give you a ride home, I have to run some errands with Nol. I'll see you at dinner though baby

I swear my heart squeezes at the nickname. I send my heart back, before going back to my endless spiral of thinking.

The bell rings before I can go too far into my own thoughts, and I stop at my locker and meet Sam at her car within five minutes. I climb in, and she smiles.

"Want to go get food and maybe go for a walk?" she suggested.

"Isn't there stuff we should be getting ready for tomorrow?" I ask, as she backs up and makes the short drive to a drive thru.

"We can worry about that after. But I want food, and a moment of peace before that "I nod in agreement, and that's exactly what we do.

We get food, eat it in her car and then she drives us to a trail. We climb out, and start our short walk.

"I'll be Luna tomorrow" she says, her voice slightly shaky "And a mother in nine months. Everything is happening so fast. So soon"

"How do you feel?" I ask, as we make our way down a small hill.

"Nervous. I'm scared I'll mess up, or ruin my kid forever" she laughs, but there's no humor to it.

"I'm sure that's how everyone feels. But you live, and you learn. No one goes into either just knowing all"

"You're right..I'm happy we met"

"Me too"


"You look handsome" I tell Peyton, as he ties my tie for me. We're both in black fitted suits, with white undershirts. My tie is blue, though. A dark blue. I guess the ceremony has an elegant dress code.

"So do you" he smirks "Edible" my checks heat, and i glance away.

"Naughty" I mumble, as he finishes up with my tie. "Are you nervous? To officially be Beta?"

"Yes and no. I've been training, and waiting for this moment my whole life. But I don't want to fail my pack, you" his eyes flick between mine. "I'll protect you with my life, but i worry it won't be enough"

"It will be '' I step to him, gently gripping his shoulders then sliding my arms around his neck. Stepping into him, I look up. "You can't put my life or theirs all in your hands. If something happens, it won't be your fault. But i know you'll protect us all with your life" nodding to confirm my words "I know it"

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