Chapter Sixteen, Public

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Zeke Hayes

Peyton pulls into the parking lot for the nearby trials. He said he'd teach me how to drive, just not today.

To be honest, I was worried about asking him on a date. I thought he'd say yes, but I also have never been on a date. So there's that.

We stopped by the pack house after school, to change into sweats and then we came straight here. We climb out of his jeep, and make our way to where the trails start. The ground is paved, at the beginning anyways. But it's surrounded by trees, and there's a lookout. So I've heard anyway.

Sam was telling me about it, and I thought it was the perfect date idea. I love lookouts, waterfalls, all that. I think Peyton would enjoy this, he is a werewolf.

So that leads us to now. "Ready?" I ask, as I glance at him.

"Yeah" he nods, his serious face on. I think it's just his natural look though.

We start walking down the path, I know Sam said there are some inclines. And that it's not all paved, just depends on what trail you go on.

"What made you want to go on a date?" Peyton asks, breaking the silence. I follow behind him, when the path gets narrow. We make our way toward the forest.

"Well, isn't that what couples do? Date?" I ask, and he glances over his shoulder at me.

"We're not a couple though"

"I suppose not, but that's pretty much the end goal. And I'm serious about giving this a chance, so that means dating, "I tell him, because it's true. There's more than just dates though, there's the intimate stuff.

I'd be lying if i said i haven't thought about that. Because there's a lot to think about. Sex between two guys is a lot different then sex with a girl, which is what I've always assumed I'd do.

But here I am, going on a date with a guy. How would it work? I know one person is at the bottom. Would that be me? Would that bother me?

I don't think I'd mind. Try it at least. Would he?

My brows crease, and I glance up seeing him look at me.

"What's that look for?" he asks, stopping and turning towards me.

"One of us has to bottom" the words flow right out of me, like it's natural. Peyton shakes his head.

"Your brain is something," he mumbles. "Yes, if we got to that point, one of us would"

"Would you?" I suddenly ask, my heart rate picking up.

"Honestly? I think I would prefer to top, but I think I'd be willing to try it, at least once. What about you?" he asks, starting to walk again. I follow him, keeping quiet for a moment.

"I think i'm more bottom material then you" i admit "But what if i hate it?"

"Then that's where I come in, and try it out I guess" he says. "Have you been sexually active?"

"That's an invasive question" I counter, because no. I've kissed a girl, but a kiss. Not a make out, or groping. Just a petty kiss.

"I have, before. I haven't sensed I found out you're my mate, and I won't be unless it's with you. "He sends me a wink, and I feel my face catch fire.

"I've kissed a girl before," I finally answered. "That's as fair as ive gone"

"You've jerked off before though" he says, and I swear it gets ten times hotter. Because, no. I haven't. I know, I'm an 18 year old who hasn't. But to be fair, I've been too busy dealing with my dad and being a loner to even think about that stuff.

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