Chapter Five, I'm sorry

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Peyton Williams

"So are you done giving innocent boy death stares?" Nolan asks, a smug smile on his lips. We're back at the pack house, after hanging out with Zeke and his friends. Nolan told me he asked Zeke about Cam, and there's nothing there.

He seems so happy around him, and my wolf was egging me on, but I'm not stupid enough to do anything about it. "Yeah" i mumble, following Nolan to his room. I plop on his bed, and he turns on his TV.

"I think you made it on Ava's good side" he says, and i agree with that. Nicole was being bitchy, because she's jealous of Ava. She always has been, I'm not sure why, they're both beautiful girls.

"Have you talked to your dad about Zeke yet?" I ask, grabbing the Xbox controller from Nol.

"Yeah, he said he needs time to think about the best way, talk to some of our allies to see what they've done, since he's never had to deal with this before. He said he will be reaching out to you about it soon. No he doesn't care it's a guy, nor a human so don't even ask" his eyes narrow on me as he climbs in his bed as well.

"I wasn't going to ask that" I totally was.

"Enough mate talk, let's play" and we do. We try to play COD as much as we can, while we can. Because after we graduate this year, we are to fill out our roles, and Nolan will have to start popping out pups. So we are trying to take time as friends, and not as an Alpha and Beta.

We play for a while, and my mind wanders to Zeke. He's not what i was expecting, at all. I didn't think id find a mate in school, a human mate, especially not a boy. But it's not freaking me out as much as it was originally. I'll figure it out, I just need to make a move and see how he reacts, but I don't know how to even do that.

Later on, once i get home i take a quick shower and go to bed. I need to figure out a plan, and i need to get close to him so this transition is a lot easier for the both of us. But I don't know how to do that. I've never been good at talking to people, besides the people I grew up with.

I get ready for school, wearing jeans and a t-shirt. We don't have training today, so i got to sleep in. I make the short drive to school, pulling into a spot next to Nolans truck. I climb out the same time Sam does, and she gives me a weak smile.

"Hey" she says, and my brows raise at her sweetness. Sam is a very nice girl, but she seems to be giving me pity, and I'm not sure why.

"What?" I ask, and she shrugs.


"Sam" I huff out her name, and she shrugs again.

"Just thinking about how depressing it would be to be in your position" she says, and ouch. Fucking rude.

"Thanks" I say dryly, not sure what she expects me to say to that.

"I just wish there was more we could do," she clarifies, and I nod.

"Don't worry so much about it" I pull her into me, resting my arm on her shoulder as we start walking.

"You're not worried?" she asks, looking up at me. Nolan is following behind us.

"Of course I am, but it'll take time. And worrying won't solve anything "I admit, and that makes Nolan snort.

"He's totally worrying, babe" he moves to the other side of Sam, and i drop my arm and he replaces mine. I glance around the school yard, looking for my blonde little mate. He's not that little, but he's smaller than most of us.

My eyes land on his redhaired friend, and then they fall over to Cam. I don't see Zeke anywhere. My shoulders tense slightly, and worry fills my gut. But before i can spiral, i get his scent and someone is knocking into me. I almost loose my balance. Turning around, I see Zeke in jeans and a hoodie, messy blonde hair- and a handprint? It looks almost like a handprint on his check? My brows crease, and I can't stop myself from gently touching the mark.

"Your face" my voice comes out rough, and he flicks his pretty blue eyes between mine.

"Uh?" is all he says, his body is tense. Like it always is around me.

"You have a handprint on your face?" I question, and he clears his throat taking a step back so my fingers leave his skin.

"I slept on my hand" he says "Sorry, didn't mean to run into you" he's quick to move around me, and when i turn around he's rushing over to his friends. My eyes cut over to Nolan and Sam, and Sam's eyes are soft.

"Bullshit, right?'' I question, because that doesn't make any sense. At all. 

"Peyton.." Sam says gently, and i nod

"You think it's bullshit too"

"I heard his dad yell at him when I was leaving," Nolan blurts.

"You think he smacked him?" I ask, my shoulders tensing and my eyes finding the blonde again.

"I mean, I don't know. But i think bullshit too. He seemed too tense" Nolan agrees, and i flick my eyes over to him, and i nod. We make our way into the building, and now all I can think about is that handprint on his face. It's not super obvious, but you can see a couple fingers, and that's how I know it's a handprint.

By the time the first period starts, I'm beside Zeke. He's antsy, his leg is shaking and he is fiddling with his pencil a lot. Which are all obvious signs of anxiousness.

But what is making him so fucking anxious?

Our teacher starts going over the assignments for the week, giving us homework that's due monday.

Sam turns around in her seat once the teacher gives us time to chat. "Do you want to come to mine, and we can all work on the homework together?" She suggests, mainly to Zeke because we will all work on it together no matter what.

"When are you thinking?" Zeke asks, and Sam thinks for a moment before speaking.


"Yeah, cool. Send me your address" Zeke says, and he's still fiddling with his pencil when Sam speaks again.

"Are you okay? You seem antsy"

"Yeah, sorry" He mumbles, stopping all his movements. He glances at me, and then quickly away. Maybe I made him uncomfortable by touching him?

The bell rings, dismissing us. Zeke moves quickly, and I follow behind Sam and Nol. We're in the hall when Nolan slows, walking next to me.

"What's up with him?" he asks quietly.

"I don't know"

"Maybe he's just tired," Sam says in front of us, and I scoff at that. Tired my ass. The day drags on, and when we are sitting in lunch I can't stop staring at his table. I watch Ava's worried expression on Zeke.

I can hear them, but he hasn't said anything really. He's actually a lot quieter than usual. But she asks him if he's okay, and he says yes.

Her next question spikes my interest.

"Why do you still have a handprint on your face? If you slept on it I would be gone" she says plainly, not dealing with his bullshit.

He side eyes the people around him, letting out a sigh. "I-it's just my dad. He was drunk, and mad I was home late. But it's never happened before, and i didnt want to worry you" he tells her, and my eyes snap across the table to Nolan, who's already looking at me.

I can tell he heard him by how he's looking at me, and my spine straightens. What the fuck? One time thing or not, your parents shouldn't lay hands on you.

My eyes find Zeke again, and Ava is now besides him rubbing his back. I can hear faint sniffles, and 'I'm fine'. I wish i could go over there, but it would be too weird, and with how loud it is in here there'd be no way i can say i overheard it. So i have to sit here, and listen to him cry.

I'm so sorry baby. 

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