Chapter Twenty Four, Broken

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Zeke Hayes

I'm not sure what quite came over me, but last week behind the gym wasn't the last time Peyton and I had sex in public. Over the last week, we've done it at school two more times, and in the diner bathroom once.

It's like i get hit with this overwhelming feeling of needing him inside me, and when I get hit with it i have to have it. Peyton doesn't seem to mind, in fact he seems like he thrives off of it. My neck and chest are littered with new bruises everyday, but for once they are bruises I love.

The mark on my neck from our mating bond has faded some, it's not as vibrant. Which I don't mind either way. I am currently getting ready to go down and get some dinner with Sam, and then we're having a movie night with our mates.

Sam and I haven't really gotten time alone together, since I've been with Peyton constantly. I feel like a bad friend, but she says she understands, that she's been through it herself. So i push those thoughts aside as i slip on my shoes.

Peyton and Nolan are dealing with some pack business, but then they are heading to dinner. I make my way down the familiar route, my home. I pass some wolves, saying some polite Hi's and giving small smiles.

I have been feeling good lately. I am on an antidepressant now, a mood stabilizer and some anxiety medicines. It can take time, and many different medicines to figure out what works for you, but so fair it seems to be working.

Once I get to the dining room, I make my way through the line getting some alfredo and noodles. I add some chicken, broccoli and grab a diet coke from the fridge.

I spot Sam, sitting in the back table talking with some of the wolves that surround her. I make my way over. I sit down across from her, and she gives me a wide smile. "Hey Ze"

"Hey '' I murmured, my eyes glancing at the wolves surrounding us. They finish up their conversation, as I start to eat my food.

Peyton and Nolan come, food in their hands. My mate sits besides me, pressing a quick kiss to my temple. He does that a lot lately.

"Hey baby" he murmurs, eyes flicking over me. Likely to make sure I'm okay, he does that a lot lately too.

"Hey" a smile tugs at my lips, as i feel love and awe pour from his side of the bond. He is always in awe with what i do, and a lot of love has been passed through our bond, on both sides. We haven't said anything about it though, and I don't see us talking about it anytime soon.

The wolves clear out, being done with their conversations and likely wanting to eat their own dinners. Sam and Nolan are talking in hushed tones, so I take that as a sign to mind my own business.

Eating my food, and having a small conversation with peyton is pretty much how we spend the rest of our dinner.

Then we're cleaning up our area, and making our way to one of the living rooms. We settled on the couches, Sam and Nolan curled up on one, and me sitting beside Peyton on the other.

"What do you guys want to watch?" Sam asks, scrolling through different streaming services.

"Something scary" I suggest, and everyone seems fine with that. Sam clicks on netflix, going through the scary movie section until we all settle on one. She clicks it, and Peyton turns off the lights to the living room.

I grab a blanket, that's resting on the back of the couch. I cover up, sharing some of it with Peyton, who just pulls me into him. He reclines the end of the couch, and i curl up into him. Being so close, and feeling him through the bond pushes so much happiness through me. I'm surprised I don't cry.

I didn't know the bond would feel like this, but I adore it. And I know he does too.

The last two weeks have gone by in a blur. My sex drive has been ridiculous, we've done it in the car, at school, in the pack house training room.

Therapy has been good, they've adjusted my medicine, again. But it works for me, so I am happy.

Sam and I have gone baby shopping twice, she is so excited. I'm excited for her. I've been thinking a lot about my parents lately. It sucks, especially when we go to Peyton's family home, and they're so normal. Happy. Safe.

I'm happy he has that, but it makes me think about my family. Maya asked if I'd meet her for coffee, so that's where I'm at now. Waiting for her, I'm early though.

I sip on my iced coffee, glancing around the small shop. Black curly hair catches my eye, and then Maya comes into view. She smiles wide when she sees me. I return the gesture, and she holds up her finger, telling me one second while she orders her own drink.

Not long after, she's walking over with a hot cup. She sits in the booth in front of me, smiling "Hey"


"How's the pack house?" she sips the hot liquid, using some of the sugar packets on the table.

"It's good, there's always so much going on there" a smile spreads across my face "Evan is hilarious too. Do you know him?"

"Ev? Yeah, he's super cool. Have you made any other friends?" She sets her mug on the table, leaning back in her seat.

"Not really, I'm not really a social person though" I admit, and she nods.

"I get that, I'm not either. I talk to people, but we arent friends, yano? We just have pointless conversations and I pretend they're great, and that I'm happy." she pauses. "Sorry, i didn't mean to overshare" she slumps in her seat.

"No, it's fine. Are you not happy?"

"No i uh, i have been feeling pretty shitty lately" she forces a smile to her lips.

"Is that why you wanted to meet up?"

"I just know you went through a lot.. And I thought maybe you'd understand" she looks guilty, tugging on her fingers. "I just need someone to understand, '' she murmurs.

"I do" I nod, my voice gentle. "Have you thought about therapy?"

"I have" her brown eyes meet my own. "I have an appointment this week, but i uh. I wanted to know if you'd come with me" she pauses "I know it's weird, we're not super close. But i dont have anyone else I want to come with. UP wouldn't get it.-"

"I'd be honored to come, Maya" I cut off her rambling, and tears pricked her eyes.

"Really?" she whispers, and I nod, reaching across the table, taking her hands in mine.

Another week, and Maya's appointment is here. I sit quietly through her appointment, doing my best to just listen, and be supportive. It goes by quickly, and when we're leaving she hugs me- tight.

I hold her body close to mine, squeezing her back. "I'm so happy you came into our lives" she whispers, and a dark, broken part of me heals at that.

"Me too," I whisper. 

A/N Some more I thought id do a double update. Should I do an update once or twice a week? 

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