Chapter Ten, Swing

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Zeke Hayes 

Ava has been short with me all week. She says she's not mad, but she barely talks to me now. Cam talks to me, but we aren't as close as I was with Ava. I'm sitting at lunch, and she's flat out ignoring me.

"Av, are you going to talk to me?" I ask, and her eyes land on me. She rolls her eyes and turns toward Cam. "I said I didn't mean to, you're ignoring me on purpose. There's a difference."

"Whatever Zeke, why don't you go sit with your real friends' ' she snaps, her tone cold and she won't look at me. I huff and push from the table to my feet.

"Whatever" I grumble, and I start to make my way to an empty table. Someone grabs my arm and I hope to god it's Ava, but it's not.

"Want to sit with us?" Sam asks, and I slowly nod.

"Do you mind?"

"No, not at all. Come on" she loops her arm with mine, tugging me along with her. We make it over to the table, and she glares at Nolan. He chuckles, but gets up moving. He sits across from the empty seat, next to Peyton. Sam takes the seat Nolan was in, and she pulls me into the empty one beside her.

"What's going on with her?" Sam asks, picking at her food.

"I don't know, she's mad that I ignored her, but I didn't. At least not on purpose. So she's been super bitchy all week." I mumble, taking a cookie Sam offers me. I bite into the chewy chocolate chip cookie. Her mom is amazing.

"I was walking by when I heard her snap at you, then you got up. You don't deserve that Ze" Sam says, and Peyton chips in.

"She was rude to you the other day too, you deserve a friend who is nice, even when they're upset with you" he says, and he's right.

"She just isn't normally like that" I mumble, taking a drink from my water bottle.

"Are you coming over later?" Peyton asks, changing the subject. I nod my head, and Sam gasps.

"I wasn't invited" she shakes her head.

"You can come too, right?" I ask. I did want to spend alone time with Peyton. I don't know why, but I get a funny feeling around him. And when we were at Sam's and he was so close everything just felt good. I kinda get that feeling from Sam too, but it's different with Peyton.

I dont think I'm into guys, but sexuality is on such a big spectrum. I wouldn't be opposed to it.

"Yeah, I don't care. But we're watching riverdale" Peyton says, and Sam shrugs.

"Watch it once, I can again. Babe, are you free?" she asks Nolan, who just nods. He's shoving food in his mouth.

"Sorry I stole your girlfriend," I say. I don't want him to be mad. He shrugs.

"I can share" he continues eating his food, and I know he doesn't mean to share like that but it is nice to know I can be friendly with Sam and not have to worry about an upset boyfriend.

Sam leans in closer "We're secure, you don't have to worry about stepping on his toes. If you do something he doesn't like, he will tell you. But he knows I can have friends that are boys. That's such a silly thing to be upset about" she says, and Nolan nods.

"She's right" her voice was low, so i'm not sure how he heard her, but maybe she wasn't as quiet as i thought.

"So should we be looking for a girlfriend for you?" Sam asks, and my eyes glance to Peyton, because damn is he attractive. But like I said before, I don't know what I want. He just makes me feel things.

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