Seventh. Saying goodbyes

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Malachi's P

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Malachi's P.O.V

No one had died. That is safe for certain and a guarantee. The vision Alice had shown Aro discouraged his ulterior interest of advancing his 'witnesses', to end us for once and all. I had made it a promise, and priority, if Aro would not leave the Cullens or my family alone there is nothing that could detain me from burning the monarchy he rules.

Jane pledge her fealty, to myself. Nahuel, a hybrid man sharing much correspondence of Ness, and his aunt Huilen testify to Renesmee's existence. Coming from South America, Proving he could feed on the blood of animals, and enjoy the indulgence of human food. He lived in prosperity, comfort, enriched in the Mapuche. Native to Chile.

The snow was wilting, winter solace fading in to spring though still there is a chill that bites flesh. Time came to say farewell to those who bear witness, those willed sacrifice in order to protect Renesmee and Caitlyn. Bree, having Cate perched on her hip, stood next and beside Rosalie before Zenna and Zafrina. Renesmee doing her individual send offs, thanking everyone. She had won the Amazonian women hearts that once beat strong.

Leah was being civilised, knowing how she couldn't tolerate vampires interaction, genuine shock to her touching Zenna. I smile, faint. Paul came out of the house, one marinated chicken drumstick Esme prepared for him out of a dozen.

" Esme reminds me of Em'. Especially her cooking, though you would never hear me comparing when Sam is around. I don't want no problems." He pretends to shiver, faking him being scared. Rightfully, because you never want to piss off a wolf by insults. I knew for sure.

Jacob, the familiarity of his scent which I acknowledge, joins Edward and I. Paul munches on the cooked meat, savouring the taste. " she's gonna be around for a long time, isn't she?" Says jake, in referencing to Caitlyn and Renesmee.

" Clara is over five hundred years old. It's safe to say Caitlyn has many milestones, birthdays and adventures to experience ahead, Jacob."

Clementine, sounded anticlimactic to call her by the biblical name she is graced to have, faces where I stand ears perking from me mentioning her.

Garrett is nodding his head, a smile drawn on his bearded mouth, down towards my cousin. Carlisle and Esme were bidding seperate forms of goodbyes, gracing Clara with her hug of maternal love. I anticipate Clare's hug, smiling in her natural silken bright blonde hair.

" I better get the invite to your wedding." There was not a mystery how much love Garrett had for Clara. Even after three hundred years separated. She kisses my cheek.

" you will be the best man, M. That's if The British idiot of mine doesn't want to Elope. Because I want an actual wedding." It amuses me, very much, at the short leash she has on him. It's viable, on how she takes his hand and adheres, waving back to where I am.

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