Six VI police station

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Three separate knocks come from the front door. There was no visitors I knew of coming to the house, and gave a look that question if someone was visiting unannounced. Fumes begin engulfing Adonis, when he returns back into a human, covered and clothed.

Bella arises, standing to her full height, reflecting the same expression.

" are you expecting a guest, master Malachi? I take from the shared look of confusion you and young mistress Bella you are not. Do you wish for me to see if they are a threat?" Fire blazes in his eyes, going to stalk out of my bedroom, only to break his stride when I out put a hand.

'It definitely isn't anyone that wants to bring harm to Bella or I. I would feel the sense of danger.' " I will answer the door, Adonis. there is no one dim witted enough to try break and entering. It's broad daylight. Besides what robber, criminal, would knock on the door?" I basically answered my own dispute, imagining a masked intruder waiting for the door to open. I chuckle, at how ridiculous I sound.

I step down the staircase, Bella trailing behind a few inches back. Adonis remains alert, the colour of his eyes alter to a molten red orange. behind a veiled white transparent curtain, covering a square outlined window, of my houses door I could recognise the silhouette to Charlotte Richards. Or my grandmother.

'What is she doing back here? At the house?'

My hand clutches the door handle, turning it clockwise. " grandma?" Is the first word and thing which comes out. I could sense Adonis go stiff, hyper vigilance to her arrival. Grandma widens the size of her eyes, to the sight of him, over and past my shoulder.

" Malachi, grandson of mine. Are you aware to the hell hound that stands in your home? They are creatures not to be meddling or be associated with. I would know. Had the unfortunate event, experience, of your grandfather assigning one to guard me in the depths of hell." She vocalises takes long, decisive strides in. assessing the surroundings of my house.

Adonis face is guarded, a authoritative tenor comes from his words. He clenches the muscles of her arm. " you have escaped from hell, Goddess. You are suppose to be imprisoned, to spend the rest of your days out in your own hell loop. How did you manage to free yourself? If it were not for the paternalism and relation you share with master Malachi I would bring back. But I won't do such action, unless he orders me to."

Grandma expresses disdain, scorning. " you should know, hound, I can not be broken. I am not guilty of what accusations were given and made. All I am guilty of is wanting to form a relationship with my sons," she removes his hand, spitting the sentence, staring angrily. " including my grandson!" Overemphasising the last word.

" it's okay, Adonis. stand down. She is no threat." I wasn't quite certain of my own designation, thinking back to uncle amendiels shock those weeks ago. " but do keep a surveillance on her. Just for the precaution." I didn't have certainty my grandmother would be a threat to Bella, she is the only human in the house. Charlotte, or Grandma this was quite the confusion of what her actual name is to call her by, gave a smirk of compliance. Imitating hands of surrender.

" listen to my grandson, Mongrel."

A growl comes out of Adonis mouth; a warning. " Enough." I advise, noticing and having an awareness to Bella's discomfort." I will not have arguing in this house. This is a space where it is suppose to be safe, negativity free. Now you will answer my question I am going to ask, grandma." Her high heels clank, doing one step back. dumbfounded, showing she was expecting my voice to raise that high.

" what brings you here? I know you are not here to simply visit me. You're in the body of a murdered woman, grandma. who, if I am to remember pointed out by dad, miraculously resurrected after being stabbed in the neck. by a screwdriver, might I add." Each second i spoke, my body moves towards my grandmother. " So. What are you, doing here?"

✓ | Angel With A Shotgun ➢ Edward Cullen. ( COMPLETED )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora