Seventh. Out of control vans

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Edward never would have given the thought of wanting to make friends with a human. He, despise his own voice of reasoning, made the choice in returning to school the day that follow. he made it a mission to look for Malachi decker, eyes scanning over the faces in the cafeteria from where he sat at the table which his 'siblings' anointed.

his face begins saddening— not noticing Malachi had entered through the main entrance.

Alice all knowing, about her brother stubbornly not wanting to admit, the reason of to arrive to school early was for Malachi. She could easily, in her own eyes, perceive the immediate connection Edward was feeling. It did not take ignorance to know, and see a change in his behaviour. No matter how much Edward was in denial. posture changing, to a roll of his shoulders and pressing down both elbows to where his ribs are position— the ghost of a smile he wanted to show, Edward could smell the familiarised scent of blood which belong to Malachi.

" dude, you could not be more indistinct and subtle." Emmett gives a shit-eating grin, flicking a piece of carrot that Rosalie was 'eating' at Edward's face. pressing his upper lip down on his teeth, and making a grunt— sounding his annoyance at Emmett.

he flicks the vegetable directly at his nose, Emmett makes a pretend pained sound, " dude." he whines.

Malachi pulls on the chair, for Bella— allowing her to sit in her place she had made hers. He is made aware of someone staring in his direction, flickering his eyes over his left shoulder to see Edward looking fixedly to where he sat.

" if you do not mind, Bella. i have to see what it is, to which who is Edward Cullen, wants. and why he is staring at us."

The size of Bella's eyes grow, taken aback. " Kai, Kai."

Jasper hale was first to notice of how alluring the smell of the boy— Malachi, blood was to him. It did not, in a perception which he normally would react to the smell of a humans blood with the thought of violently draining the body of the blood, make him become rigid with unease. No, in correlation, he became alleviated in feeling the need to be on alert.

So when the scent returned, Jasper looks with an expression of curiosity— to Malachi, to who had a waltz in his step. Edward could hear Malachi first, it being easy when he starting talking. " hello there, Edward. to what is the pleasure, in which you are staring at Bella and I?". Emmett jaw loosens, hanging down in slight disbelief.

" if I didn't think any better, I would say I am staring at an Angel. woah. rose! Look at his face. Ow! what was that for?".

Malachi stares, incredulously, at Emmett. Rosalie's face etches in a scowl, at her husband talking a loud his intrusive thoughts. " you said those words a loud, idiot." but he was not wrong, Malachi did have no imperfections when it came to his beauty. she was astonish at his beauteous appearance, it being one she would adamantly admit to.

It came as a surprise, to Edward, hearing how Rosalie was praising and admiring Malachi— only to roll his eyes in his mind when she resorted to back to her self-centred attitude.

" thank you, I suppose. you have a nice appearance, too." Malachi nods, Emmett's grin returns. " you hear that, rose. Babe! I look nice." Rosalie drags a hand down the front of her face, trying to hold her growl of annoyance in. Alice grins, enjoying how her 'brother' was embarrassing Edward.

" I am sorry about my siblings. they, at times, do not know how to show their ages and their immaturity sometimes bests them."

Edward spoke, eyes showing discomfiture of how his 'siblings' were acting.

" no need for the apologies. Back to the topic on hand, I have a grievance to speak of. you were staring, at Bella. just yesterday. Like she had offended you." Malachi posture changes, folding his arms over his chest and leering down, placing his body down on the surface of the table. Alice and Rosalie could feel the tension forming, touching their husbands on the arms.

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