Nine. Alice

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I didn't know what had happen after becoming unconscious. My last memory was witnessing the wolves submerging out of the woods, teeth bared in showing defiance. Hearing hisses of voices, in hushed conversation, pine wood and dampened dog fur after rain enters my nostrils.

" I can hear you talking. You're not quiet as you may want to believe." I snark, sitting up right, changing my posture and position. " Oh my head. I have to stop going down like this. Third time is the charm as the saying goes."

Sam goes to speak first, an authoritative resonance in how he talks. " Malachi. That is your name? How are you aware of who we are. What do you know? And you are not exactly human yourself." I truely had to give him the respect here, exerting his alpha dominance. wanting answers. He thinks it will work on me, staring as though I am the enemy in his mind. 'He needs to honestly relax'

" You are asking too many questions at once. Okay, one. Correct, I am not human. that is an obvious observation. And two, I know enough when it comes to you being wolf shifters. Because of the legends and just basic grasping of knowledge." I am aware of being laid on a brown, worn couch having my head resting on a floral decorative pillow. I take the cloth of cotton, hugging it to my stomach.

" then what are you? Don't tell us are a bloodsucker too." a wolf, I didn't recognise, glares. Hatred seethes in how he is speaking. 'Paul. His name is Paul Lahote.' The same grating, grave, voice recalls to me. venom in it how he spoke. " don't be an idiot, Paul. If he was a Leech- vampire, his eyes would be gold. like the Cullens." Embry scoffs. " Besides, he had fucking wings! WINGS! Blood coloured red wings! those came straight from out of the bible." all of this talking was giving me a migraine. I rub the centre of my cranium.

I had not made the time to face the wolves. I could feel Paul's confrontational, aggravated hostility in his glare. Metaphorically it could burn a hole in my skull from how intense it feels. I turn, not hesitating to raise a defying eye brow. Staring straight down in his brown earth coloured eyes. My mouth twitches wanting to smirk when he pauses on the spot, body rigid. 'That is what I thought. Puppy.'

" Paul. You didn't. No." Sam, firmly, says.

" you imprinted on him? On vampire boy? Paul. No. Oh Jake isn't going to be thrilled knowing you just basically made a claim on his boy." Embry howls in a laugh, moving his head back, chest rattling. " Holy shit." Imprinting. the term was not familiar to me.

" Shut it, Call. You know I can't control who or when it happens." Paul growls. But eyes never allowing themselves to turn or tear away from mine.

" That is enough, boys. Here you go, Malachi. I apologize for the rowdiness of these boys." A woman, in her early to middle twenties, comes over from the kitchen section of the house I am inside. her face is scarred, three aligned claw markings incised over her left eye, the silk raven coloured hair covering above and half of her injury. she gave a warm, benign grin. " my name is Emily. You must be the vampire boy." a plate is place on the coffee table in front of where I sat. Blueberry muffins, watermelon and pear. 'Yummy. fruit'

" and you are the wolf woman." I, wittily, reply. She giggles, finding me amusing. " Yes I am. Well, technically I am engaged to one. I'm Sam's fiancé."

" thank you, for this. Emily." I say, in a genuine tone, motioning to the plate. I could smell a new wolf join, the only one who was not here is Jacob. He comes striding in, wearing no shirt. his bare chest out on show. But he did not acknowledge me, instead turning; Leering at Paul. Eyes full of exasperated anger. That couldn't be a good sign.

" you imprinted on Malachi. how could you?! Out of all." Embry held his arms in place, to further keep him from getting in an altercation and start a fight, he begins convulsing. Wanting to into it with Paul. I had an instinct, of wanting to stand. Following that gut inclination I arise, from being seated.

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