Seven. loss and pain

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Mom and dad were lead to a murder scene. Dan had shown a video posted on a website dedicated to anti-vigilantism, bring down criminals and take the law into their own personal penchant. recording apologies, forcing the tortured to express a confession. How could I possibly have known, I had listen in to Dan explaining of another posted to the forum.

That left me to be excluded from the action. I had offered my help, wanting to give any extra support on the job. Dad, serious for once in his life, was firm in saying no. Not wishing for me to be exposed to crime scenes, like I haven't seen everything involving blood before.

The pulsating strobe lights, and music, in Lux flickers in my face as I directly go down the steps from the second level. I was here, alone. Bella remain at home, Adonis being her metaphorical guard. I knew I could put my trust in him, which is a first given he is a hell hound. mythologically talking, a beast with a short temper.

but I couldn't give in to the stereotype.

two women, age in their late twenties to early thirties blonde haired, drank margaritas at slow paces. When I begin walking past I give a quick nod of greeting. " afternoon, Ladies." It becomes obvious how drunk they are, bubbling into giggles. " Hi there, cutie." each go back conversely chatting. My eyes land on aunt maze, then to doctor Linda.

'Nice to see familiar faces'

" Kid. Hey. You are underage, what brings you to your fathers place? Wait. Since when did I begin to care how old you have be and follow mundane human rules." my aunt scoffs, of sounding her concern. " Ignore me."

Linda gave a surprised gasp, to my obvious presence.

" Malachi. Hello! It has been months since we last spoke, hi. Come here! Oh you have grown. When did you become so tall? That adolescent growth spurt came in early." I allow Linda to give me an embrace, she stood short of five foot three inches. even in high heels, the extra height still made her appear tiny if comparing to mine. Six feet four.

Maze raises a dark eyebrow. " The doc is right. You have grown."

'Logical explanation I can think of is because I am nearly eighteen.' I gave a shrug of nonchalance. " you could be right, Linda."

My aunt glares to behind me, which I gave a quizzical stare before I hear Charlotte Richards. Or grandma. " Hi, Maze. Malachi. And, human."

'I do not wish to be in the middle of this.' I excuse myself. 'I have enough drama to last me until the end of time. Literally.'  " Hey, Gran-Charlotte. Nice to see you, again." I catch my error before I could say 'grandma'.

I did not want Linda to question that.

wanting to entertain myself, and alleviate boredom, I go to the dancing floor. body heat from the strangers, grinding on each of their respective dance partners.

My head moves down and up to the beat of the bass music. If I was going to be here, then I wanted to enjoy my time. Cabaret dancers wore special sequin lingerie, a Lux special 'uniform' aunt maze had assign for the hired women to wear. 'professional performers' dad like to label them, less obvious to being glorified exotic dancers.

I feel a hand wrap around my bicep, my reflexes triggering at the touch. Charlotte winces at the grip. I let her go, " If I wasn't in this human flesh of meat that wouldn't have hurt. Grandson, I see you are coming in to your strength." She now wore a more a royal blue, skin hugging v neck miniature dress. wolfishly grinning, Gran pushes a shot glass in my face. " These are bitter, tasty. Have one with me, Malachi." The offer is tempting.

Sound becomes mute, considering Pros and Cons, voices muffle as I grasp the shot glass.

" Don't do it, Malachi. Be responsible."

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