Nineteenth. aunt mazikeen

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Edward had hurry me into the jeep, everything was moving fast and I didn't have the time in processing what just went down. I couldn't think, duly from my situation I was in. He jumps into the jeep, not caring to put on a seat belt.

" So, what. Now I am being targeted and chosen to be his next kill?" I sputter out, a drawing realisation setting in.

" listen. James is a tracker. The hunt is his obsession." He explains, still fuming with a sense of indignation and anger. " I read his mind. My reaction, on the Field, it set him off." He turns the jeep around a bend, mud smearing, splattering on the vehicle.

" I am so sorry, Malachi. this should never had happen. I just made this his most exciting game ever, all because of how reactive I was. He is never going to stop."

'This is just what I need. A psychotic vampire with an insatiable thirst, desire, for my blood.' I could all but sardonically think. my face becomes stoic, staring at Edward who was trying to read what I was thinking. He turns the jeep down the exit to the main road.

" what happens from here?" is the only question which comes out.

His face begins darkening, intently. " we have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the pieces of his body. If a vampires body is not properly dispose of, they are never truely killed."

My hands hold the dashboard, my body was flailing about, not having enough frame of time to use my seat belt. That was a least of my concerns right now. " where are we going, Edward?" His knuckles were turning a pale translucency colour, to a point where the bones are becoming visible. Of how angry he is.

" We'll get a ferry to Vancouver. It is only way James cannot track us, it will disorient him, only temporarily."

I move my neck, fast, causing indefinite whiplash but I couldn't feel it, and stare lucently to Edward. " I can't just leave forks, Bella. Charlie, they would wonder why I just suddenly made the choice in leaving. with no explanation." Beginning to imagine the calls of worry from bee, asking why I haven't come back home. I couldn't bring myself to do that to her. Then I let my mind think back to her telling me she was joining Jess and Ang, at the cafe.

'She is safe. At least. Living a life with no awareness to the world of vampires.'

" Take me back to the house."

Calm, but assertive, Edward says. " we can't. He will trace the scent, of yours, back to the house. That will be the first place he will look for you. I read his mind, he has seen you there. And.." he delays and hesitates, not sure to continue talking. " what? And what? Edward. there is something you are not telling me."

My face drops with dread, alarm, and horror.

" He knows about Bella. I saw the memory, it was like a mental slide show of some sick fantasy. James thinks he get her and you, as well."

My hand is tight to grasp the Polypropylene material, of the board. It groans under pressure. " he knows about Bella. Which I could only plausibly understand, is from watching me. He has been stalking me from the start." Eyes closing, to secrete the changing of my irises which I could feel, I notice in the reflection of the tempered glass.

The colours were altering to my natural eye colour from crimson coloured red.

" just let get you out of here, from forks, first. All right?"

I couldn't allow that.

" No. this is concerning Charlie, and Bella. We'll figure a solution to lead him away from here, somehow." I told Edward, through the gapes of my teeth. Keeping my voice placid.

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