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Somewhere In The Omega Verse...

I woke up amidst the sound of waves. As I opened my eyes, the night sky was dimming slowly with a hint of orange.

Early birds were chirping, and the flocks were forming great shapes above. I looked up at the sky blankly. For a second, I did not think of anything.

How am I here? What is this place?

It certainly is a beach. But I haven't seen this kind of water before. The sand is also different.

I am feeling thirsty and hungry.

But I don't know why I like this.

I tried to move my body and sat up straight.

There were not many people around, but I could faintly see a few figures in the distance.

I want to call them and ask for water.

But I am not able to speak up. My throat is too dry.

I tried lifting my hand to make a gesture, but due to my weakness, it is trembling.

"Here." A voice startled me, and I turned to see in the direction of the voice.

A packed water bottle was in front of me, and behind it was the face that I have always adored.

"O-Ohm?" I frowned in confusion.

He smiled and sat beside me, forcing the bottle into my hand. "Have this first. Your lips are parched." He then held my face gently and rubbed his thumb on my lips. His face showed a concern that I hadn't seen before.

I shuddered under his touch, and he widened his eyes in surprise and looked at me. "Are you ok?" He asked, genuinely concerned. "I told you not to drink too much last night. I know it was our wedding party, and I know our cute little Nanon is happy, but c'mon, we are going to be together forever. It's not just one night to celebrate." He smiled and pulled my cheek.

I was still confused as he opened the bottle and handed me the bottle again. This time I drank a bit, as I needed to speak up. I looked at the ring in his hand and the matching ring in mine. Is this what I think it is?

"Are we... married?" I asked.

Ohm frowned. "Hey, you are not planning to ditch me, right? Remember, you promised me that only I am your alpha for life."

"Alpha?" I asked, surprised.

"Yes, I am your alpha, and you are my omega." He grinned, making my heart swell.

I closed my eyes once to let the tears flow away so I could see Ohm's face clearly. Am I really his Omega now?

And then a flash behind Ohm made me look at the sky, where I could see something written.

"Everything Ok? Non?" Ohm asked, making me come out of the trance as the text slowly disappeared.

I grinned, relived, and shook my head, holding Ohm's face in my palms. I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. To my surprise, he did not pull back but actually kissed me back.

I pulled back without leaving his face. "Now everything is fine." I smiled.

Ohm frowned but smiled in response. "Ok, if you say so. Now let's go. We are getting late. Today it's Chimon and Perth's kid's naming ceremony."

I grinned wide as tears of joy were not stopping. But I don't want Ohm to worry anymore.

I wiped my face and stood up, holding the hand of the man I had loved since the beginning of my existence and until now. No matter who wrote the scrip for us, I am forever thankful for the chances that brought us together.

I lost all hope and decided to sacrifice myself for others, thinking there was no way I could have my own happiness. But in this world, you never know what surprise knocks on your door at what moment.

Like the one that I just observed now as Ohm slowly kept his hand on my belly. "Careful; you are due soon too. I don't want our junior to think that his fathers were so excited about their wedding that they forgot him."

I smiled and nodded. "No way. Nothing will go wrong now." I kissed his cheek, and he kissed mine. We then walked hand in hand towards the house decorated in front of me.

I turned to look at the sky one last time. A few moments ago, I had read the text and recalled each word.

You gave me my Ohm. I am giving you yours. Thank you, my dear Omega from the comic world. You are not just a shadow. You are the real hero. From now on, I will take inspiration from you.

- Nanon

(now also your biggest fan)

(now also your biggest fan)

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📔 Fin.📔


Thank you for embarking on this journey alongside me.

I understand that there were some delays with this one. However, I aim to improve my approach in the future. Thank you all for your incredible support, encouragement, and patience. Thank you for your unwavering support.

Here, I've finished this story that I began on a whim, without any preconceived plan. I hope you enjoyed the book and found it satisfying and entertaining.

I welcome any suggestions or feedback you may have to help me improve.

I have more to share with all the avid readers out there. I have more stories coming your way, so stay tuned!

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