Chapter 16

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"You are pondering, right? That's a first sign." Sky chuckled and walked close to me. He kept both his hands loosely on my shoulders.

I flinched and tried to back out, but he did not let me move.

"Relax. I am not going to hit on someone who doesn't turn to look at me because of another recessive omega. If it were a dominant one, I would have still accepted it." Sky said that and then placed a finger on my lip. "But you are long gone from my grip. So here is a tip for you: Make up your mind before the announcement."

"Announcement?" I was confused.

"Your family might soon give away your omega to your brother." He whispered near my ear, and all I felt were goosebumps.

In that very instant, I was shaken for the first time in this comic world. The thought of Nanon actually being engaged to Jay will change everything. And I am still not sure about my feelings, but I am sure about one thing. I do NOT want my omega to be engaged with another alpha.


"Time up." I yelled as I saw Sky trying to kiss Ohm.

They both turned to me and looked equally surprised to see me.

"What?" Sky asked me while Ohm pushed him away lightly.

I walked close to him, narrowing my eyes at him. He always does this. When he has nowhere to go, he comes and bothers Ohm.

"I said, Time up! Get lost now." I glowered at him.

He smirked. "And what right do you have to say that to me?"

"I am Ohm, and Ohm is me. We are basically brothers. So stop bothering him." I said, gritting my teeth. I was so furious that I did not realize that I had started releasing my pheromones.

Sky, being an omega, was obviously affected as his feet lightly wobbled back. Ohm held him by his shoulder.

"Relax Perth. It's not what you think it is." I frowned at him, but he calmly looked at me for a second more before turning to Sky. "And you should probably head home now." He said he was pulling his hand back.

Sky looked at me with a disgust-mixed-with-anger look before he stormed off to his car and drove away.

On my side, Ohm sighed loudly, making me turn, only to shake his head at me.

"What the hell are you doing?" I snapped.

"You are overreacting to everything nowadays." He said.

I gaped at him. "Ohm, you know he plays you all the time."

"He doesn't affect me anymore." Ohm instantly replied.

I paused. "I know. You told me this before, too. But then why was he here?"

Ohm seemed to be lost in some thoughts for a good 10 seconds before he looked up at me. "Can you give me some time to clear my head tonight?"

Before I could say anything, he just walked into his house and closed the door.

Although I want to slap him hard, I do know that in the last year, Ohm has been very indifferent in many scenarios.

And I am unable to put my finger on what is exactly happening.

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