Chapter 7

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"What's going on Ohm?" Dad asked as I walked back into the house. I looked at him and bowed. "I heard Nanon is unwell?"

I turned to the side and saw my papa sitting and reading newspaper while Jay was outside in the pool.

I pressed my lips and sat beside him. A maid walked in with to take away my coat. "Yeah, he has temporary amnesia."

Dad scrunched his brows. Papa too looked at us and kept the paper aside.

I knew this would be the reaction. Because this is something I am myself thinking.

"Is it just a coincidence?" Papa asked to dad specifically.

I gulped. I don't know what to think. Because as much as I think about it, I feel weird.

Could it be...

"Ohm!" a voice interrupted me and we all looked up to see a face that was strangely familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

"Sky?" Dad frowned looking at him.

I froze in place for a moment before I saw Papa almost slamming his newspaper and getting up.

But then we all smelled something strangely strong.

I immediately got up and pulled him aside with me. "Why are you here?"

He clanged to my coat looking into my eyes. "H-help me Ohm..."

I looked at him wide eyed. The smell is getting stronger by each second. "Are you in heat?"

He shivered and leaned closer to me holding me and leaning his head on my chest.

I pushed him away holding him from his shoulders. "Sky! What the hell are you doing?"

"Ohmi... Help me please..." He said.

I scoffed. This guy came all the way here just to make it difficult for himself and me? "Where are your medicines?" I asked.

He again leaned closer this time pushing away my hands and clanged to me.

"What a view!" I heard a voice and turned to look at Jay with a towel loosely hanging down his waist.

I clenched my jaw because it is getting difficult for me with the pheromones getting stronger on one hand and Jay's judgmental gazed on the other.

"Come with me." I said to Sky and pulled him with me outside the house.

"Ohm..." I heard dad call me but I have to do something about this. Otherwise this will all go south.


"A sponsor? Why do we need one?" I asked my manager as she kept hovering me distracting me from focusing on the painting.

"Sir, we have been doing well, but just imagine how awesome it will be if we have people collaborating with us? This will increase our reach." She said.

"We are not trading here Lily. I am an artist." I said plainly.

"But we do want to support the NGO for disabled artists. Sir, you know how your father has taken back all their backups because they want you to stop painting." Lily sat beside me without permission.

I huffed and kept the brush aside agitated. "What do you want then? Shall I start selling my art?"

"Sir... Please don't mind me. But only donations are not helping. We need to run this studio, maintain your standard and also support the NGO." Lilly stated the facts.

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