Chapter 6

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As I opened my eyes I made sure to check the ceiling. I wish I am back in my world. My bed, my house. But no, I was back in the Barbie dome.

Surrounded by weird people. Who are also looking at me weird.

"Ummm... Hello guys?" I said with a brief smile.

The guy whose strong personality was undeniable scrunched his brows. "Are you ok?" He asked.

I have seen him. Where? Oh. He is the Alpha. The Just-Alpha Alpha. "Yeah..." I said immediately getting up and sitting. And that's when I saw everybody else there. Chimon, Stone Wall, the other stone Wall. "...Thanks for checking." I said absent mindedly looking at the sleeping faces of everyone.

Then I turned to look at the time. It was 3 in the morning. "Huh? How long was I out?"

"You were out for quite a long time." The Alpha-Alpha replied. "I was worried when none of these guys replied and so I had to come and check and saw you mumbling that word in your sleep."

I turned to him confused. "Which word?"

"FUCKING" He said.

I pressed my lips. I must be agitated. Being agitated is being normal for me since I was pulled into this world.

Our conversation made the stonewall move. He opened his eyes and looked at me for a moment and the got up walking to me.

I did not know what to do so I just lied down back again and covered myself with blanket from head to toe. And... who in their right state of mind will have a blanket with flower patterns! What in the tinker-bell-meets-pooh is this?

I sensed a tap on me. I did not move.

"Nanon." I head the similar dreading voice. So I shook my head frantically expecting him to understand from below the cover.

And then in a second he pulled the covers away. "Did you go out without suppressants?" He asked.

Suppressants? What the hell is that now? And how the hell is he talking to me like this? "Did I ask you why you go out without your manners?" I snapped.

The Alpha-Alpha chuckled.

"Perth!" Stonewall eyed him. So his name is Perth. "Nanon, I think you should see a doctor."

I opened and closed my mouth a few times in disbelief. But before I could snap back, I heard someone clear his throat.

"Nanon doesn't need a doctor. He needs a better fiancé." The handsome guy named Jay said to Ohm while walking towards us and rubbing his eyes.

Why am I feeling hot all over? As if I am blushing.

"And I am sure, with a better partner, he will feel much stable." He said and smiled at me now.

Without my knowledge I gave him a smile back.

Ohm smirked. "Unfortunately, Nanon is not that fickle in deciding about it. He chose me didn't he?"

"He was never presented with a choice." Jay replied.

I looked at Perth who seemed to be enjoying the moment a bit. Chimon was still fast asleep on the side.

"Jay, just because you are my brother, I have been tolerating you." Ohm took a step closer to him. "But there is a limit to every joke." He said.

"Who said I am joking?" Jay smiled.


I coughed loudly making them all turn to me. "Oh my god! I am coughing. I haven't taken my suppressants. I think it's the effect of that." I said.

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