Chapter 9

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As I got out of my car and looked at the huge studio ahead, I realized that I had never been here before.

I gulped. This is my fiancé's art studio. And I have never been here before.

This explains the stupidity I have been doing since the beginning.

I took out my phone and sent him a text informing him of my arrival. I am 10 minutes early. So I might as well wait patiently.

I tapped my feet, leaning back on the car, and looked around. The grass is green, the tree bark is brown, and the studio exterior is grey. My car is black.

And that's it. I am going in. It still has nine minutes to go. How can he make me wait?

As I hurriedly climbed the entrance stairs, the door opened.

I paused in the middle and looked up.

There he was. Dressed in a loosely printed shirt and jeans. I have never seen him dressed so casually before.

He looks... beautiful.

"You are early." He said this and walked past me, completely ignoring my paused state, and towards the car.

I gaped, frowning at the attitude he has, but he is not entirely wrong. I did say that I would pick him up at 7.

I turned and shoved my hands in my pocket. I need to look cool. "Hardly. 3 minutes more and we are good to go."

"It's ok. We can start early. Are we taking this car?" He leaned back on my car and folded his arms, looking at me like he was judging me. This is strange, making him look sexy and making me look stupid despite the blazer.

I walked to him, sighing. "How else will we go?"

He smirked and took out his key from his pocket. He pressed the remote button, and I suddenly heard the sound of the car unlocking from behind. I turned to see a bright yellow convertible.

I gaped. "Is that yours?"

He shrugged and shook his head with a sneer. "Of course. Black is boring. C'mon. I'll give you a ride." He walked up to his car, completely leaving me dumbfounded.

I pressed my lips together, confused, and stood still until he blew his horn on me loudly.

Why do I feel like I am completely at a loss today? I thought while I gestured for my driver to take away the car, and I walked to the yellow car.

He had already started accelerating when I reached the passenger seat. I got in and sat with a frown while he turned to look at me with a very judgmental gaze.

"What?" I asked.

"Seatbelt." He pointed a finger at the belt buckle.

I am sure I am strong enough to handle anything because... "I am an alpha."

"Oh dear, that's your problem. Not mine. And rules are rules? Seatbelt!" He said it and pointed once again.

I rolled my eyes and obliged.

He smirked and turned to look ahead. "Get ready for a ride." He said this and pressed his feet on the pedal. I wasn't even able to buckle my seatbelt before the car went at full speed, throwing me off balance.

I mean, he can... drive!

"Oh my god! Chimon, that's so cool." I said when he effortlessly overtook a few buses with that speed and grace.

"I know, right?" He grinned. "I love driving."

"But you never used to drive before?"

"That's because it was kind of a dumb rule my parents placed on me because I am an Omega? That's so sick." He said.

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