Chapter 22

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"What?" Alpha-Ohm asked me, frowning, when we were in my not-a-barbie-dome any more.

I narrowed my eyes at him and tilted my head. "What's up with you?"

He pressed his lips and took something out of his coat's inner pocket before throwing an envelope on the table.

I looked at the table and then at him, shocked. "You got a DNA test done?"

"We can get that done after 30 days of consummation. Once the kid's heartbeat is in place, it is possible." He shrugged.

I felt like throwing the lamp at him, but I suppressed the urge. "And how did you do that?"

"Chimon helped me get your blood sample when you went for a check-up yesterday."

Chimon, you are dead!

"So, what now? I am not opening it. Tell me what you mean by this bullshit!" I snapped.

"The kid is mine."


"So?" I folded my arms. I am this close to throwing the lamp. He better say something that keeps his body alive for my alpha to return to it.

He huffed animatedly and sat on the chair across like some mafia-movie's a-level boss. I scoffed as he took a posture. He immediately straightened up.

"Look, I am not what I did when my memory was not with me. As you know, for me, it was like I woke up one day and a year had passed." He said. I could hear his helplessness.

I calmed myself. And I loosened my arms to lean back on a chair in front to talk like humans.

"So, even if it is not about distrust, for my own sanity, I wanted to know if this kid is mine. And since it is mine, I will protect it. I may not love you. I may not give you what I gave you in the past year, but I will protect you and the kid." He said plainly.'

Even the character inspired by you is as responsible as you were, Ohm. But still, I prefer the real deal. However, I smiled and nodded. "Thanks." I said.

He nodded but frowned in response.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Jay is behaving weird. I mean, I always knew he had a thing for you. But to behave this way... I never expected it."

His words made me wonder the same thing. Initially, he was so gentle and sweet.

What is going on with him?

I was sitting idly on the porch and looking outside, as the morning sickness was making my life worse. Chimon tries to cheer me up in many ways, but I hate this.

I am getting tired of this, Ohm. When will you come?

Suddenly, a flash in the sky made me look up. The flash lasted for a second and closed, but I am sure it was like the chapter ending that flash.

What just happened?

It happened after I called out Ohm.

I gaped up at the sky. The thought bubbles...?

C-can you read my thought bubbles, Ohm?

The flash reappeared, making me feel goosebumps all over. I got up from the stairs and slowly walked out towards the garden. A breeze brushed my hair and made me feel tingly all over, as if someone had just hugged me.

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