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Author's pov -

"N-No, he can't h-harm her

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"N-No, he can't h-harm her.... M-My y/n ...I'll..." He murmured broken words while remembering Jimin's revengeful threats. He stood from the bed. His body was shivering so badly. He was feeling nothing but lonely, depressed and helpless.

"Who could he possibly reach in my bedroom without noticing." Taehyung wore his slippers for two or three tries. He just wanted to reach near her. His breath almost stopped.

His body was shivering so badly. He was feeling nothing but lonely, depressed and helpless.

He just wanted his wife with him.

He turned and froze.

He didn't proceed with what he was seeing.

He sighed in relief when he confirmed.

There Y/n was. In his room. On the couch.

He took a deep breath to see her with his blurred eyesight

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He took a deep breath to see her with his blurred eyesight. He sat on the bed and ran his hand on his sweaty face. And her lips were smiling now.

He looked at her working on a laptop, his vision was blurred but peaceful and relieved

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He looked at her working on a laptop, his vision was blurred but peaceful and relieved. Her whole concentration was on the screen completely unaware that her absence literally gave him a heart attack.

"I almost died." He smiled and shook his head. He was looking at her.... She wore a black night robe with sheer sleeves, the fabric flowing gently as she types away. The robe draped elegantly over her frame, its dark hue a stark contrast to the softness of her skin.

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