~Leah's POV~
We are heading out into the gym for the second leg of training "did you find out why they were in a jewellery store?" I turn and see Kiera, G and Beth behind me "they are shopping for her dad's anniversary present" "Chris and your mum?" "Diane and Kat are there but obviously not in the picture" "I still think they are up to something" "that is because you are a very sceptical person Kiera, nothing is going on, watch I will phone Kat" I phone Kat and put her on speaker phone "hi Leah is everything alright?" "Yeah I was just wondering, well not me the girls were wondering because they are nosey and sceptical were you with Chris today?" "Yes I'm still with her now we are at your mums house" "and were yous shopping for Kieth's anniversary present from Diane?" "Yes we were" "thank you see now do yous believe her?" "Fine you were right Leah" "thank you, thank you Kat I will speak to you soon" "why did you phone Kat?" "Because Kat can't lie" "ahhhhh ok then." I am doing my work out when I get a text from Chris.
Chris - Damn my love you are looking mighty fine x
Me - What are you talking about? X
Chris sends me a video of the work out I'm doing
Me - Where the hell did you get that? X
Chris - Beth is a true mate, so my super sexy girl when are we going to work out together? X
Me - Ermmm never x
Chris - What? Why? X
Me - Because I have seen your workouts and I want to live
Chris - 🤣🤣🤣 fine I will just keep getting everyone to send me videos x
Me - Nooooo don't do that x
Chris - 😉 love you my gorgeous girl x
Me - Love you too x

"Leah please focus on your training please" "sorry Sarina" that's a great impression Leah well done. I continue my work out when Beth comes over "look who got into trouble" "yeah because of you sending that video to Chris" "ohhhh Woops" "yeah Woops how about I tell her you got me in trouble" "oh please don't she is scary" Ella and Alessia come over it's there first England camp "who is scary?" "Chris Leah's girlfriend" "wait is this the ex soldier? We watched the interview" "yeah she used to be a soldier, yous will meet her on game day" "do I have to she is very scary" "she's not that scary Ella only if you piss her off" "how easy is it to piss her off?" "Hmmm depends, right I'm hitting the pool." I head along to the pool and just on the edge with my legs in watching the new video that they have posted on the gym Instagram when I'm pushed in the pool dropping my phone "no no no, what the fuck did you do that for Jordan?" "Sorry I was just messing around I didn't know you had your phone." I get my phone from the bottom of the pool and it is dead "shit shit shit, Beth lend me your phone please" "what why?" "Please Beth" "ok here." I phone Chris "hi Beth" "it's me baby I need your help" "what's the matter is everything alright?" "I dropped my phone in the pool and it's broke" "right ok I will buy you a phone from Apple I think there is a store not far from you ready for you to collect today. Can you get away today?" "Yeah Sarina knows I need my phone to be contacted" "ok my love no stress I will do it now and text the information across to Beth" "thank you so much baby" "anything for you my love, I will be in touch soon" "thank you baby I love you" "I love you more" "impossible." We hang up "why didn't you tell her I pushed you in the pool?" "Because Jordan she is not your biggest fan anyway so this would really piss her off" "oh right well erm thank you" "I didn't do it for you." I go over to Beth "thanks Beth Chris is going to text across the details for my new phone to you then do you want to come with me to pick it up?" "Yeah can do" "thanks."

~Chris' POV~
I am back home and Kat is still with me "what you doing?" "Leah dropped her phone in the swimming pool so I'm ordering her one to pick up from the Apple shop" "how did she manage that?" "I don't know but there is no way she is going without a phone I know that." I finish ordering the phone it will be ready to collect straight away so I text Beth all of the details over. "And done Kat it's not that I don't love your company because I really do but it feels like you don't want to go home" Kat just puts her head in her hands "I don't know what to do Chris I really don't" "what do you mean?" "Freya said that Renee kissed her and she didn't want it and I believe her I really do" "but some of that trust is broken" "yeah then there's that thing with you and Leah the article" "forget about that we sorted that" "yeah but you shouldn't of had to sort it though" "look yes I'm pissed with Freya but you love her Kat and she makes you very happy. Once I've fully calmed down I'll speak to Freya and sort things out but right now you need to focus on you and her and if it's what you really want" "it is of course it is" "then you need to forgive her and she is never going to see that bitch again. Isn't she starting a job at your school?" "Yeah" "see already maturing" "thanks Chris I should get home" "no problem I will see you soon Kat" "bye."

After having my tea and taking Bella out for I walk before I go into the shower. Once I'm finished I am getting ready when Leah FaceTimes me "hi my love" "hi baby looks like I caught you just in time for getting ready" "you certainly did" "talk about good timing, now about this phone" "what's the matter do you not like it?" "No baby I love it but you didn't have to get me the latest phone one you know" "I know I didn't have to but I wanted to so do you like it?" "I love it" "good what's the plans for tonight?" "I'm just going to have a chill night but I need another favour" "and what would that be my love?" "Ella and Alessia are on their first call ups and Ella says you look scary so I was wondering" "if I could scare her?" "That's the one" "it would be my pleasure my love" "this is one of the many reasons love you, that and the fact that you took a photo with fans" "got to make sure it doesn't look like you going out with a dick head" Leah laughs and I continue to get ready "so baby this Ella how old is she?" Leah doesn't answer so I look at my phone and she is just staring "baby?" No answer "baby are you frozen?" "Huh what? No erm what were you saying?" "Subtle baby very subtle" "oh says miss I stare at my girlfriend every second of everyday" "stop being so fucking hot then, I was saying how old is this Ella?" "22" "wait hold on are we talking tooney and lessi Russo?" "Yeah why?" "Baby have you seen there link up they are like you and Beth, Beth and Viv, you and Viv, Caitlin and the whole fucking team, Katie and the whole damn team" "alright baby calm down" "sorry, but yes I will still scare her" "your the best" "oh I know." After talking for a couple of hours we both go to bed.

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