'° The Town of Azeths

14 8 3

A new dawn.

The sun has risen up.

I stood up from the bed of leaves I had made for sleep, before storing it in my bag. I should probably make a new one, it's looking like it'll dismantle.

I picked up Slime and placed them on my shoulder before feeding them some leaves and myself some berries.

I mindlessly walked across the hills, it was taking long. I walked by a tree, I noticed its bark had a weird color, looking up; it was filled with flowers and.. a pink fruit..?

I kicked the trunk in hopes of dropping the fruit. Not one, but 3 fruits dropped.

I didn't know if it was poisonous or not, so I just stored it in my bag.

I arrived near a lake that was mesmerizing,  I stopped to just appreciate it.

I arrived near a lake that was mesmerizing,  I stopped to just appreciate it

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Such a beautiful place..

Well, I grabbed the fruits from my bag and crouched down near the water, leaning over it and washing the fruits.

I stood up once more, storing my fruits.


A screen appeared in front of me again.



I took a step back, before noticing the text. I swiftly clicked yes as the screen closed, and another appeared.




Um..? I looked at the screen.

A shop..? An inventory..?

I pressed inventory.

• (NONE)..

...Oh. Well, how do I.. hm..

I grabbed a fruit and just.. thrusted it into the screen. The fruit disappeared as it appeared on the screen.

I grabbed more fruits and things.

I took a step back to look at it.

• [3X] Peacholietta Fruit
• [12X] Leaf                       
• [2X] Azeth Berry           
• [BROKEN] Dagger       

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