'º ~ The Grasslands!

20 8 3

It was dawn. I woke up and yawned.

I looked around and rustled through the leaves, grabbing the slime and placing them on my shoulder. "There you go!" I patted it as it slept.

I stood up, stretching my arms as I looked around, noticing that we've been sleeping near a fountain. I didn't really care so I just washed my face and set off.

I picked up my dagger, and my staff. As well as I eat the berries I had taken yesterday.

Oh, the slime woke up. I fed it berries and I ate the berries as well.

After eating, I walked along the path I had been following.

.. -

Why is it so..?

I swept aside the branches and bark of the trees, the leaves of the woods. And I was met with the grasslands. It ranged from multiple hills and across the world. I was mesmerized, something so.. beautiful.

I walked, and walked. I picked up a flower on the way. I stored it in a poorly-made bag I crafted out of multiple things from the forest.

WORDS: 174

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