He belligerently brought his teeth down with a force that was brutal.

"Ugh-!!" He heard the brief sound of the demon's shocked pain. He savoured it...but the more deeply he listened, the more he realized that rather than wounded, Jungkook sounded rather...pleasured.

And though any normal person would consider Jungkook's laugh the most hypnotizing sound- Taehyung felt that the latter's pain was the true symphony composed by angels.

The demon had jolted back in surprise, before gently touching the harsh rip in his perfect bottom lip that was now oozing a red liquid, seeping down his chin. To Taehyung's annoyance, it didn't seem to ruin the lips too much-- but close enough, he decided.

"Fuck...I was trying to bite your tongue out.." He curses, looking Jungkook right in the eye he sharply spit the blood from Jungkook's tongue, along with the saliva onto the floor.

Though he thought that he had ridden his mouth of any remnants of the demon's blood, he still gagged as he felt a few drops of it slip down his throat.

And at this, the ravenette stops. His eyes flash with something. A realization. Taehyung steeled his gaze even more challengingly.

Oh sweet god, this boy has no idea what he had just done.

It takes a few seconds. Upon Taehyung's bewildered form, befuddled by Jungkook's lack of display of any sort of reaction, a perilous sort of terror creeps into his veins as an equally infuriating, bone-chilling, yet sexy smirk twists Jungkook's lips.


Was it anger?? Was it such intense fury that Jungkook sounded like a madman??

No...no...it was-- it was euphoria. Pure ecstasy that swept into the monster's tone as his eyes now glowed madly, his smirk growing wider and wider until Taehyung felt his mind was being ripped apart in confusion.

"What...what the hell, are you some sort of a masochist!?" He spits with a feeling of disgust and embarrassment, and this only causes Jungkook to smile more.

The door slammed open.

Taehyung snapped his head around in the direction of the sound, and the alluring figure of Jimin, walking out of the bathroom with a mere towel around his sculpted waist clouds his vision and he shrinks into himself, bottom lip trembling as memories of the previous night floods his mind.

The clock ticks unnaturally loud.

Jimin was never someone perceptive. Taehyung had knew that, easy. He was always a blissfull little airhead, mind in the clouds, whilst they were still friends.

Correction-- he thought, not knew.

Because it takes less than a second for Jimin to witness the blood dripping from Jungkook's mouth, and also the same crismon liquid smeared across Taehyung's lips, along Taehyung's utterly wrecked form, looking utterly confused as to whay exactly was going on.

"Jeon Jungkook." He drawls, maybe not knowing what to feel-- because...

Well because the very blood that Taehyung had extracted from Jungkook's mouth of his own accord, was liquid that would grant him meta-immortality. An infinite lifespan, similar to that of demons-- whether he wanted it or not.

It was a barbaric thing to do to a human who has never wished for it, such as Taehyung who had already decided years ago that if he were to ever be able to live forever, he would end up spiralling into insanity. Watching his loved ones die before him, having no peace and no sign eternal rest no matter how much he aged-- he wouldn't be able to take it.

Of course, since it was not his original bloodline, he would in no way become one of the race, but due to swallowing some of the liquid into his system, he would inherit some of the abilities.

It was a mere moment as Jimin proceeds to appear right in front of the smug-looking Jungkook, teleporting from the door. He grabs his collar, eyes blazing.

"What did you do!?? What did you fucking do!? It's too soon for this-- we agreed to...we agreed to fucking atleast try to talk him into it...

how did you even make him drink it!?"

Jungkook widens his eye again, because, he had never seen Jimin worked up over anything before. Taehyung was having the same miraculous effects on his brother as he did on him.

But quickly, he smirks.

"Oh, Jiminie-hyung~" He never uses honorifics for his elder brother. But now, he was in too much of a good mood to even notice.

"You won't believe me, but Taetae here did it all himself~"

Taehyung stood, feet planted into the ground as Jimin looked over at him in bewilderment, before a slow, twisted smile grows on his face.

"What?? What did I drink?? I just bit you--all I've drank since this morning is fuckin water...did you spike it or something!?"

He jumps as both the demons break into laughter of both elation and amusement.

"As much as I would rather it be my blood that you drank..."

Jimin stops to lean into Taehyung's ear.

"Oh Taehyung, lets just say that you've given yourself a power that can't be taken back."

Whilst Jimin speaks, Jungkook closes in from behind him, looking more pleased than ever before.

"Don't you realize? Now even death can't seperate you nor save you from us, darling..."

•°𝑳𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬°•  ~ Taekook + Vmin ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ