349 22 1

((Long chapter ahead, lol))


Taehyung groans in pain. He woke up with a pounding headache first thing. This time, he couldn't even make himself get up because he felt so groggy. His entire body was burning uncomfortably and he felt he could pass out yet again.

"I should have dried my hair sooner..."

Thankfully, the demon is not sleeping beside him this time and he is also off college for a month since the first two semesters of the year were finished, and there was still a good 3 weeks left before he had to go back.

He tosses and turns, experimenting to see if he could fall asleep again.

Giving up, he grumpily flings off his duvets to get up.

He instantly froze, shivering as goosebumps shot up on his skin.

Fuck, it's cold. Why so cold.

He immediately pulls back his covers, wrapping himself up like a parcel and slowly taking his phone out from under his pillow.

Who to call?? Jin-hyung would get mad at him for being careless, Namjoon-hyung is awkward when it comes to taking care of people, Yoongi-hyung is most likely still asleep, and Hoseok is probably at the studio, working on a new number.

Taehyung groans for the nth time. Is it really okay for him to bother Jimin like this repeatedly??

"Fuck it." He rasps to himself and gingerly presses the green button on Jimin's contact.




"Hello? Tae??"

The raspy morning voice of Jimin on speaker mode fills the room, making Taehyung flinch slightly in shock.

Jimin's morning voice is very deep.

Taehyung swallows, rather embarrassed. But hey, what has to be done, has to be done. So he clears up his mucus- suffocated throat the best her could.

"Chim. Ya busy??"

"Well, I don't think so- considering it's 5am in the morning."

Taehyung widens his eyes. 5am?? Oh shit. shitshitshitshit. He realises how dark the room is.

A crackle sounds from the other end making him jump.

"Jimin?? What was that??"

There's a curt moment of silence before Jimin answers.

"Tae. Your voice sounds like you swallowed a cheese grater. Are you...okay??"

He doesn't catch onto the deliberate change of topic and struggles to find the right words to answer the question.

No, he wasn't okay. He's running on a high fever, feels like shit, nearly had his dick sucked right off by a demon the day before, is being forced into a contract by the same demon, and has insane body pain, so bad that he could hardly move.

"Yeahhh- no- I m-mean- uhh..."

"I'm sick."

"I'm coming over."

"No wait-- you don't--!!"

His scentence is cut off by the call ending. Jimin hung up.

He swore that it was less than a minute, but who knows?? It could have been and hour and he couldn't have noticed. That's how delirious Taehyung was.

•°𝑳𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬°•  ~ Taekook + Vmin ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ