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Taehyung groaned in his sleep.

He didn't hate light. He didn't hate noise. It just annoyed him sometimes.

Like at the moment.

He fluttered his eyes open, narrowing them right after due to the overwhelming amount of sun glaring in at him through the window.

He rolled over, trying to cover himself with the thick blankets, shutting his eyes with his body going limp again.

Blessedly, it was a Saturday, which meant he could sleep in for as much as he wanted.

..which is why it was a pity that- as soon as he a woke, memories infused his brain and his eyes snapped open.

He shot up, twisting around to see if the demon was still there, or lurking anywhere.

He could vaguely remember the terror, yet the main thing he remembered was only how vehement it had gotten. The heat, the fear yet the passion.

How he had given up, but the beast didn't stop until he had gone completely limp in exhaustion.

He was practically covered in cold sweat.

He groaned, covering his eyes at the terrifyingly vivid image of beautiful ruby eyes that forced itself into his head.

He rolled out of bed, clumsily finding his footing on the wooden flooring.

He nearly screamed when he looked down to find that not only his whole upper-body, but his thighs too were covered in marks.

Great big blotches of marks. Red, pink and purplish in color. Taehyung nearly fainted.

They all stung and the worst part was, some of them actually felt somewhat pleasurable.

He crouched down in disbelief, but quickly recovering with his blood boiling in anger of the violation.


He screamed without thinking twice. He didn't care if anyone else heard him. He'd been bottling up his frustration for too long.

Looking into the mirror only provoked him more. His hold tightened on his head.

If this thing was trying to drive him to insanity, it was succeeding.


Taehyung shouted again, banging on the wall and injuring his fist.

He was going to keep shouting, if his fist didn't just freeze in mid air. It wouldn't move.

Frozen still is what it was and Taehyung could feel a grip on his wrist, which is what was immobilizing it.

Shivers went up his spine.

The door swung shut on its own, making him snap his head around to see with wide eyes, his bathroom door slamming shut with a faint 'click' to signal that it was locking itself.

His breath caught in his throat and he heard the oh-too familiar chuckle.

His heart was palpitating, a sweat drop dripping down his pulsing temple as he mentally prepared himself for the worst.

"Don't do that, pretty, it hurts me to see you like that."

Taehyung trembled, tears brimming his eyes.

The hand with the strong grip moved to gently carress his bruised, battered fist.

The brunette gulped. He was only in knee-length shorts, with his underwear underneath.

"Are you mad about last night?"

Taehyung looked down, eyes still wide. He didn't want to look up. He didn't want to see.

"-All in my head..." He muttered to himself.

"It's all in my head..."

He felt the devil perk up behind him.

"In your head, sweetheart??"

His head was still down.


He resisted the urge to groan. The voice was still too sensual. As if it were made to seduce, to lure. Like a vicious siren, using its voice and beauty to lure you into the deepest depths of the ocean so you'll slowly drown and die.

He was getting awful nostalgia of the eventful night before. As he felt its soft skin on his shoulder blade, his breath hitched.

It's aura was too strong. Like someone extracted the very esscence of danger and had morphed it into some kind of messy energy.

He froze. Before he knew it, it's muscular arms were around his waist.

Hugging? More like tieing him up.

The arms were like veiny, tattooed, greek-god based ropes.

His knees went weak. If he wasn't being embraced so firmly by the demon he would have fallen to his knees.

The ethereally handsome demon smirks, shifting Taehyung's weight onto his own so that the boy was leaning on him fully.

"Oh Taehyung~ My beautiful Taehyung..."

"If it's in your head, then why do you react this way~?"

Taehyung recoiled, shocked as the demon's fingers lightly brushed past some of the marks that he had inflicted.

His eyes widened as the demon smirked. Why was he so sensitive?

He forced some strength in his legs and tried to pull himself away, but he was harshly pulled back.

Muscly arms tightening around him, this demon rested his face on his shoulder, making him tense up.

Well, he was fucked.

•°𝑳𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬°•  ~ Taekook + Vmin ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora