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"Ok everyone, today we're only going to read a story. Then I will ask some questions to see if you were really listening."

This one sentence caught his attention, standing out from the usual drone of words that usually entered one ear and slipped out the other.

Taehyung shifted his gaze up to the lecturer once again, dead panning.

He was confused.

He thought the lecturer was out of his mind. Did he think that they were in pre-school?

"Now, this 'story' is more of a myth. It's very old and very unpopular. I'm certain that none of you know about it, however, raise your hand if you do."

"Has anyone by any chance, heard of 'The two devils'?"

Taehyung jumped when Jimin shot a hand in the air, grinning as adorably as usual.

This grabbed everyone's attention.

"I do!!" The pink-haired cutie exclaimed enthusiastically, voice loud enough to be heard throughout the entire lecture hall.

"I still don't get how this has to do with any of our future careers." Namjoon grumbled from behind him.

He had obviously been anticipating something that would take brain power, a question that no one other than him would be able to figure out. Something complicated.

The teacher had somehow successfully managed to keep a straight face.

"I'm very surprised, Mr Park. It took even me a long period of time to discover that particular myth. How did you find it?"

Jimin went quiet for a moment, thinking.

"One of my friends told it to me." He replied finally, his melodic voice bouncing off of the tall walls of the lecture hall.

"Ok then, let's get straight onto it... considering how I'm delaying so much." The lecturer dragged out his sentence a bit at the end, noticing how most of the students were staring at their desks in visible disdain.


He projected his computer onto the whiteboard, causing it to display a rather plain looking home screen.

It changed to display a dark shadow visible causing someone to choke just with it's gaze, the picture illustrated similar to the stained glass windows you would see in a church.

You wouldn't be able to miss the two cold ruby red eyes that the shadow had, along with the twisted, sharp toothy grin it was giving with it's fangs.

The man in front of it was kneeling, his fingers both clutching his neck with his head tilted up, mouth gaped scarily wide as if he was gasping, wheezing for oxygen.

His eyes were popping, red veins piercing his white sclera with dirty tears streaming down his face.

It was all drawn in such immense detail. So detailed that it could traumatize. It was clear that it must have taken hours, even days of straight concentration for it to come together.

So detailed, so beautiful yet twisted.

There were beautifully drawn red roses and tulips accompanied by thorny vines creeping up the four corners of the picture, as if they were waiting to swallow up the whole picture.

It was obviously captivating for everyone, since when Taehyung looked around, everyone's (even Namjoon's) pupils were fixated on the masterpiece.

Well.. everyone except for Jimin, who was leaning back in his chair rather, the way he was slumping showed obvious boredom.

The picture was dark, creepy. But Taehyung had to give credit to whoever had drawn it.

"It's a myth about two boys."

The picture on the whiteboard changed to show two little boys, both wearing t-shirts with knee-length shorts. Same art style as the last one.

One was shorter than the other, both having chestnut brown hair.

They were playing around with a red coloured ball, grinning happily.

"They were pure souls, they were the best of friends, and together helped those in need as much as they could."

"They were like angels. They possessed beauty that an average human could never even touch, winning the hearts of everyone around them."

The picture changed again, to the shorter boy handing an old man who was resting on the street a basket of jewel-like fruits, the same innocent grin still stretched out onto his little face.

"Well . . . that's what it looked like anyway."

The picture changed, showing the shorter boy pouring some sort of dark blue substance into the basket of fruits behind the poor old man's back, the venomous navy of the liquid making it plain that it was poisonous.

His grin wasn't innocent this time, it was evil. Resembling that of the devilish shadow that had been projected onto the board before all of the other ones.

"In reality they were dark souls, tainted by the devil. Spawns of Satan himself"

The picture shifted to show the taller boy, who had ravenish-black hair, ripping a butterfly apart by it's beautifully colorful wings, grinning maniacally all the time.

"They loved watching any living thing in suffering."

Jimin smirked at this, his innocent aura fading once again.

A little boy watched as a grown man drowned, thrashing around in ice cold water while shouting for help while smiling.

"They enjoyed death, destruction."

He tilted his head innocently as the man noticed him, and begged him to come and save him.

"While everyone thought that they were innocent and pure, on the inside they were pure evil."

"Little boy!! Help me!!"

"How boring" The little boy muttered as the man called out to him again and again, more and more desperately. He could see that the man was almost giving up. Almost.

Having enough of the persistent man, he fetched a large rock, causing the man to give him a look of confusion.

"What are you doing you silly little boy, I asked you to help me-"

Words of speech were cut of the minute the boy dropped the rock right onto his bobbing head, hitting him as well as plunging him right into the ice cold water along with it.

"As they grew up, they became worse and worse, souls and minds becoming more dark and more twisted."

"Their brains were complex, far more than any other human being and their minds were sharp in deceiving, tricking and lying."

"They grew to become beings of lust, sin, gore, death and destruction."

"Their angelic looks attracted people, lured them in, and slowly hypnotized them. Making them mindless slaves "

Taehyung shrunk in his chair, the story some how getting to him.

"Eventually, the villagers came to notice this."

"They finally realised what was wrong with the two boys."

"They were both devils, demons. Reborn children of Satan."

"The villagers panicked and panicked, unsure of how to deal with them. The only thing they could do is hide away, and wait."

Jimin leaned forward in his seat, smiling.

"The two devils noticed this, and destroyed the village."

"In the end, a powerful mage banished them both to the dark pits of hell. Sealing the entrance to earth with an ancient spell."

•°𝑳𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬°•  ~ Taekook + Vmin ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang