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Jungkook dodged the tenth bullet within that 2 minutes with graceful ease, yet still, a harsh vibration left his broad chest in a growl as the useless fucking humans didn't cease but continued to shoot at him with their measly human-weapons.

Did they know that, if by any nonexistent chance that Jungkook did let a bullet even graze him, he wouldn't feel a thing?? His skin was too celestial to break, and any possible wound would regenerate within seconds.

𝙆𝙞𝙢 𝙏𝙖𝙚𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜.

He wanted to go back. Back to the mansion where he could hold Taehyung. Crush him in his embrace until the warmth of the boy seeped into his own cold skin and veins and wash away all this filth within his bones as he had always done.

If he and his brother were being honest, perhaps the whole reason as to why they took the brunette hostage had little to do with the phone call he made. The other half of the reason was that

They'd simply gotten impatient. Tik tik tik, Taehyung's time had run out and the two demons couldn't bear to not have him to themselves. The mage that was a 'threat' to them?? He was nothing. They simply couldn't be in the slightest degree bothered to deal with him. When they were young, they didn't yet know how to control their power's, hence

Though they both exchanged no words about the matter, the understanding passed through their gazes. As much as they hated eachother, they were still brothers. Telepathically connected.

His ache for Taehyung continued to surprise him. Being as powerful as himself, he had always gotten what he wanted if not more and he'd get bored in less than an hour no matter what it was. He would forget about that thing within seconds and move onto whatever else interested him. Yet this human, drove him crazy with...with emotions..with, desire.

And fuck, he wanted the the brunette in his arms right now, where he belonged.

But right now, he was on a hunt.

"Just wait for me, Tae."

He murmured to himself as if Taehyung could hear him, as he ventured into the fortress that was the mansion of the mage, protected by hundreds of guards from the outside.

Guards that had been raised and brought up with the sole purpose of protecting their boss. Spending all their lives in training, getting stronger and stronger..

Oh, but how sad, none of them are competent enough to beat the demon that had come to destroy them all.

Jungkook didn't mind being the villain as long as he could have Taehyung. In fact, he rather enjoyed the role, and he knew Jimin did too.

And god knew himself by now that the two beings born out of hellfires would burn the world if it was for their darling little human who was so oblivious to their lethal affections.

This immortal wizard had seemingly built up an empire, since centuries ago when he first banished the two demons. Impressive.

Jungkook scoffed.

Not impressive enough.


Blood spattered across his face for the nth time. He didn't flinch. His eyes were cold, shoulders relaxed yet still standing broad, throwing an equally large shadow onto the body before him. That lay still. Eerily still.

Had he just effortlessly killed the famous mage?? Yes. Because he had not even realised how strong he had gotten over the centuries that he had spent in hell.

This epiphany made him slowly shift his vision onto his hand, that sparked with mighty amounts of pure power.

He was powerful. He felt powerful.

•°𝑳𝑰𝑴𝑬𝑹𝑬𝑵𝑪𝑬°•  ~ Taekook + Vmin ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora