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Whispered voices are what I awaken to, blinking my eyes open slowly I spot Nico sitting at the foot of the bed that Leo and I lay in alone. I turn my head and see Luca now seated in a chair in the corner of the room. Both still wearing the same clothes from yesterday, speaking to how much they have had to deal with while we have been resting.

The tension that had etched lines across Luca's face the night before has eased somewhat, now replaced by a weariness that speaks of the trials faced.

Gently, I sit up, careful not to disturb Leo as he lays starfished on his back to the right of me. I can't help the smile that comes out at the sight of his soft snores. Catching my shift up, the brothers turn in my direction, but it's Nico who speaks first.

"Hey sleeping beauty" he says as his eyes assess me deeply enough to elicit a shiver.

"Hi" I reply, my voice a hush in the room as I still feel groggy "Are you okay?" I right away ask as I pull my eyes away from his and methodically scan his body for any injuries.

Nico chuckles lightly, and my eyes snap back up.

"I'm fine Bell, not even a scratch on me, but I can take this all off if want to verify for yourself?"

Committed to the bit he begins unbuttoning the top button of his shirt, only stopping when a pillow hits his head. We both look in the direction from where it came from, Luca sitting with his arms crossed as if he hadn't just flung the pillow in the first place.

I can't help but laugh at the antics of the two, and after a moment I swear I see Luca's lips twitch up in humor before settling back down.

"As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm Nico, we have more pressing matters to attend to."

Nico grins, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright, serious mode engaged."

The levity was a brief escape from the weight of the challenges that loom outside these walls. I glance at Luca, whose weariness is now masked by a determination that fuels his gaze.

"What's the plan?" I ask, fully aware that the tranquility of the room is but a temporary refuge.

Luca leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I think it's time we all sit down and sort some things out. We've been wasting too much time chasing ghosts and sniping at one another."

Nico dips his head in agreement, his expression shifting to one of focused readiness as he stands. "I'll go gather Dumb and Dumber."

As Nico heads towards the door Luca directs him, "We'll convene in the study."

Nico nods, his gaze lingering on us for a moment before he exits the room. Luca turns to me, a mix of concern and something else I can't quite name in his eyes.

"Arabella, you asked me for the truth once and I intend to keep providing it to you. We are still unsure what it is we're up against right now, but it's clear the Kelly's and Hawke's are on our side. In this safe house you will be seeing a lot more of them, but if they ever do anything to you- I do not care how little the offense, do not hesitate to inform me. I told you once that you are under my protection and at the end of the day I will do all in my power to keep you safe. " Luca emphasizes, his voice carrying a protective edge.

At a loss for words all I am able to do is nod in acknowledgment.

Leo stirs, breaking the tension that had built in the room. I turn and look down at him as he blinks his eyes open with a drowsy innocence, undisturbed by the weight of the situation around him. His gaze meets mine, and a small, sleepy smile graces his lips. The simplicity of a child's morning, unaware of the complexities that surround him, brings a momentary sense of peace. Leo, sensing the presence of another in the room, begins to sit up, rubbing his eyes in the most endearing way.

"Hi little drummer" I coo down to him as I brush back the curls on his forehead.

With a burst, he rolls over and crawls into my lap and makes quick work of settling in. Luca watches the tender scene with a softness in his gaze, the protective edge softening into a quiet understanding.

He walks over to us on the bed and bends to plant a kiss on Leo's head, my entire body flushing as he does so due to our close proximity to one another. As he moves back he pauses over my head for a moment and I suddenly think he's about to do the same to me, but his swift steps to to the door say otherwise. Before stepping out he utters, "Take your time getting up Arabella, the house is open to roam as you wish."

I let out a soft okay and say nothing else, my gaze following him until he exits the room, shutting the door firmly behind him.

Leo, now fully awake, looks up at me with those innocent eyes, his small hands playing with the edges of my shirt. I pull him closer, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. As Leo cuddles in my arms, a soft knock resonates through the room. I look toward the closed bedroom door, but don't yet answer, Luca just left a few moments ago so it was probably him just returning. I don't have to wait for long to be proved wrong as the door soon opens, revealing Sebastian at the threshold. On instinct I band my arm around the middle of Leo's body and scooch back on the bed.

Sebastian's eyes meet mine, and for a moment, the air hangs heavy with unspoken words. Leo looks between us, sensing the tension but remaining blissfully unaware of the underlying complexities. I swallow hard, unsure of how to navigate this unexpected encounter.

"Arabella," Sebastian begins, his voice gentle yet filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, feeling the weight of the recent events settling on my shoulders. "I... I don't know," I admit, glancing down at Leo, who looks up at me with those trusting eyes. "It's been a lot to process."

Sebastian nods understandingly, taking a step into the room but maintaining a respectful distance. "I'm so sorry you've been tossed into all of this."

I appreciate his sincerity, but my guard remains up and I remain silent.

Sensing my discomfort, Sebastian keeps to the wall across from me as he shuts the door. In the quiet of the room I open and close my mouth twice as I try to verbalize the feelings that came to surface.

"I feel like the Sebastian I met is different from who you are now, and I don't know how to reconcile to two... I don't know how to talk to you."

Sebastian takes a deep breath, nodding in understanding. "I get it, let's talk then. No interrogations, just a conversation. I want you to feel safe."

I study his expression, searching for any signs of deception. His eyes, however, reflect a genuine concern.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*It's been a long time, I hope you're all doing well! I dug this chapter out of my drafts and after some editing she has been published!

As the story continues what do you all want to see more of in the upcoming chapters?

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