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My question about Gabriel and Sebastian ended the night abruptly. Both Rossi men stiffened at the mention of them, so they clearly knew of them, but they never outright answered if they were the ones who were after us that day.

Luca exchanges a long look with Nico, the brothers hold a silent conversation that I am helpless to watching, as lost as ever. Luca eventually makes an excuse and leaves the room.

Now alone with Nico, he looks away from Luca's exiting figure and his gaze falls to me where I know the question is still sitting plain as can be on my face. A pause ensues and he opens his mouth then closes it a few times, I quickly realize I'm not going to get a straight answer and I feel exhausted with all the secrets.

"Forget I asked anything, can you just show me where I'm going to sleep? I'm assuming I won't be driven back to my place tonight."

His head drops to his lap and he tiredly nods yes before leading me to a room where my bags had already been placed inside.

As I move into the room, Nico grabs my arm and gently pulls me back to where I am standing close in front of him. Craning my neck up, I spot the conflicting expression he holds.

"Bell, I know this is a lot to deal with, and I can imagine it's frustrating that we can't give you all the answers you want just yet, but please know that we would never do anything to hurt you."

The sincerity in his voice has my shoulders relaxing the smallest amount, and he must see something in my face too that allows him to release my arm and take a step back.

"If you need anything, I'm in the room next door." He says as he gestures to the room on my left.

I nod, too tired for anything else and he heads towards his room, the end of our conversation not as wearisome as the others I have been having recently.

That night's sleep is nonexistent, I toss and turn as I am struck with nightmares of fiery car wrecks and thunderous gunshots.

It's a wail in the dark that has me shooting up in bed.

Sweaty and disorientated, I sit up in bed, the flashes of lightning brighten the room in long enough increments that I'm able to read the 2 AM on the clock across from me. I gather my hair into a quick ponytail and when I crawl to the edge of the bed I hear thunder sound off followed by a cry coming from somewhere in the apartment.

The cry, distinctly coming from a child, has me scrambling to my feet. The cool tile beneath me helps in waking me up faster and I'm able to pry my door open without a sound. Tiptoeing into the hallway I follow the cries to a closed door and I don't hesitate in opening it.

The sight I'm greeted with is Leo curled into a ball on the edge of his bed, hands clamped over his ears, he's sobbing.

More thunder echoes in the night and it is clear it's the cause of his distress when he yells out in fear again.

"Oh, Leo." I can't help but say to myself, my heart hurting at the image in front of me.

I make my way to where he's curled up, not wanting to startle him anymore, I gently place a hand over one of his small hands that's pressed so tightly against his ear. He slowly blinks his eyes open and I get little warning before he's launching himself into my arms.

His arms wind tightly around me and his face presses into the crook of my neck. I lower myself to sit on his bed with him still in my arms and once settled, I begin to rock back and forth. Rubbing my hand down his back, I begin to hum in hopes of calming him down.

After a few minutes of this, I hear his cries begin to slow down and his hiccupy breathing is soon the only reminder left.

This is my signal to come to a stop and combing his unruly curls back I call out softly, "Leo?"

He sits back far enough that I'm able to see his face without him removing his arms from around me. His cheeks are a ruddy pink and his little button nose is snotty, but spotting the drying tears is what finally does me in.

In the orphanage, I had been in the exact same spot as Leo, terrified of storms I cried through many alone and seeing the same terror on his face brings all those memories back in a rush.

Pushing back more errant strands from his face, I am careful to wipe some tears off his cheeks.

"Are you feeling better now?" I ask as I start to run my hand up and down his back hoping to be of some comfort to him.

His bottom lip pokes out as he nods a shaky yes and when I open my mouth to ask him another question, more thunder claps outside. Leo's reaction is immediate and he presses himself back into my arms. No longer crying out as loud, the thunder now has him trembling as he sits in my arms.

Starting to rock back and forth again I speak up, "It's okay thunderstorms scare me too, but you know they're not so bad when you have someone with you during them right?"

He sniffles and I feel, rather than see, his head slide up and down in agreement.

"So why don't we be thunderstorm buddies? That way I won't get scared because you'll be there to keep me safe during them and I'll be there to keep you safe too. How does that sound?"

He pulls himself back again and he uses an open palm to wipe the remaining tears off his face. Leo blinks up at me and I smile down at his wide gaze, "So what do you say, would you like to be my thunderstorm buddy?"

This time his nod is firm and fast and I feel my smile growing at the gesture.

"Perfect, I don't think I could've asked for a better person to have my back during a thunderstorm than you." I finish off with a tap to his nose and it's enough to have him smile a little bit.

I lean back into his bed so I am laying upright against the headboard of his toddler bed and he makes quick work of laying down on top of me, his arms still holding tightly on to me.

Once I am sure he is comfortable I continue rubbing his back as I begin to tell him stories I remember from my childhood. I am not even halfway through telling him Jack and the Beanstalk when I feel his breath slow down and hear soft snores emerge from his still red nose.

Afraid of the risk of waking him up, I don't move. As he was now sleeping through the still raging storm, I remain with him and it's not too long after that I feel myself drifting away too.

- - - - - - - - - -

*Hello! I feel like I'm always apologizing for sparse updates, but I feel like once I find my footing I'm smacked back down with something new. Life is hard guys. 

I hope this chapter is okay, as always please let me know what you think. I may not have time to respond just yet, but I do love to hear from you all!

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