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Once on the floor I am met with my supervisor Kelly, she's all big smiles and talks fast like an auctioneer, jumping from one topic to the next with speed. She gets me set up into my cubicle and after a rapid rundown of what I am to do and what paperwork she needs from me, she's gone.

Once alone I peer up over the walls of my cubicle and scan the floor. Some people are socializing by the water cooler, 'good to know that's actually a thing in real life', others have their heads down in their own cubicles and all the while phones ringing and printers printing can be heard in the background.

I slide back into my own seat and let out a heavy sigh before settling in to start on my work.

The next three days pass by like this, I come in to work and hide in my cubicle completing my tasks until it's time to go home. I make sure to bring a lunch with me so I don't have to venture out. I don't see the point in socializing as it's a temporary position for me, so outside of saying good morning and goodbye to Kelly when I see her, I keep to myself.

Since my first day I have not seen the viking man around, between him and the Rossi men my daydreams have had plenty of material to work with.

I did enter Nico's number into my phone, but I couldn't muster up the courage to give him a call, so it sits mocking me in my contacts.

The buses ran faster than usual today and when I make it to work I realize I have time to spare. Enough time to try out the infamous coffee cart viking man told me about. Stepping out onto the eighth floor I immediately spot the cart next to the railing that overlooks the lower floors and lobby. There's a few people already in line so I make my way behind them and peer over to the muffins on display.

'Chocolate or blueberry? Chocolate or lemon poppyseed?'

Too busy debating the merits of each I don't notice the line move forward and when a throat is cleared behind me I move up and turn to apologize.

I am met with the sight of the viking from the elevator and I automatically smile and shrug as I look up at him.

"Sorry I got caught up in deciding which muffin looked best."

A small smile comes his mouth and he leans in as if telling me a secret, "I don't tell many people this, as if word got out then they'd all sell out, but... the chocolate chip muffins are the best."

I nod my head, that sounds right, I mean you can never go wrong with chocolate.

I shuffle forward as the line moves again then face him, "Your secret is safe with me don't worry." I finish with a wink and smile that has his own smile growing.

A throat is cleared in front of me and I realize it's my turn to order, quickly telling the man what I wanted and paying, my coffee and muffin are handed to me with practiced ease.

I step aside and sip at my drink, the coffee is rich and brewed just right, closing my eyes I savor the flavor. When I open my eyes viking is holding his drink staring at me with an unknown heavy look in his eyes.

I sheepishly smile, "You're not wrong about it being good coffee."

He nods in agreement and takes a long sip of his own drink before asking, "So how's the new job going so far?"

"I like it, it's just data entry stuff so in terms of other temp jobs I've had this is a nice change of pace."

"You're only here temporarily?" He asks with a furrowed brow.

"Yeah, depending on however long the company needs me I stay, this one is just scheduled for the next three months so by December I should be gone."

He nods in understanding, still with a furrowed brow.

"What about you, do you like working here?" I ask him.

He strokes his close cut beard before responding, "It's alright, somedays I would like to go without having to meet with so many people, but otherwise I like it."

"What do you do here anyways?"

The same small secretive smile from yesterday comes back, "I work with deals and acquisitions for the company."

"Oh fancy job then."

My comment has him laughing and the noise has me smiling harder. Several people at the cart nearby stare in our direction, 'yeah with a hottie like this I would too', but when he notices them his laughter stops and he shoots a glare in their direction. The look works as nearly everyone looks away immediately.

I laugh at the interaction, "You have to teach me how to do that."

"Do what?" He asks confused.

"Scare people with a look, I have been told I need to work on my angry face and it looks like you have it nailed."

He laughs again and this time there's no stares, but I do notice a few people whispering.

"You don't look like someone who gets mad."

I let out a half hearted shrug, "It's too much work to stay mad."

"More of a lover than a fighter then?" He asks with a smirk in place and an eyebrow quirked up.

Now it's my turn to laugh loudly, "Yep, you know what I think I might just make that my new motto. Arabella Davies, lover, not fighter. It does have a ring to it."

"Well Arabella Davies, it is a pleasure to meet you, new motto and all."

With this I realize I haven't actually introduced myself to him nor asked for his name. In an attempt to rectify that I ask "Now that you know my name and motto, may I have the name of the man who introduced me to the best coffee here?"

"Gabriel, and I am glad to pass on tips on the stuff we have here if it's for someone like you." He says as he holds out a hand for me to shake.

I blush and place my hand within his grasp, once together I hold back the shiver that makes its way up my spine. My hand is tiny within his, but the connection feels right.

I am startled by the loud noise emerging from the newly arrived elevator, people began to pour out of it, and I drop my hand from his hold.

Realizing the time I point to the elevator, "My carriage is here and I am cutting it close for work, not to Cinderella out, but I should get going. Are you coming up?"

He shakes his head, "I have some business down here, but it was lovely speaking with you today Arabella."

The way he says my name has butterflies coming alive in my stomach and I bite my lip to hold the smile that wants to burst out.

"I hope you have a good day Gabriel."

With that I make my way into the open elevator and nestled alongside the others heading to their floors, I look out to spot him looking in my direction with his piercing blue gaze and it's the last I see of him before the doors close. 

- - - - - 

*Happy holidays everyone! Now that you've officially met Gabriel what are you thinking?

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